The Texas-Mexico border is being overrun at least in part because residents of Central America believe that if their kids get to the border, the United States will take care of them.
President Obama could shut that off with an unequivocal message telling parents that America will enforce its laws, so don’t bother coming here and don’t bring or send your kids here.
But that’s not the message that the president delivered today.
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos asked the president to deliver a strong message to the residents of Central America.
“Our message absolutely is don’t send your children unaccompanied on trains or through a bunch of smugglers,” the president said. “That is our direct message to families in Central America. Do not send your children to the borders. If they do make it, they’ll get sent back. More importantly, they may not make it.”
There are enough holes in that for a convoy of coyote-driven trucks to drive through, as I’ll show on the next page.
Don’t send your kids here…but the president didn’t say anything about not bringing them here.
Don’t send your kids here…via the specific means of trains or through smugglers.
Obama didn’t say anything to suggest that America will now enforce its laws, either.
And he has no message for the governments of any Central American country where the people are coming from, or for Mexico, which appears to be letting them cross its border on their way here.
Now, some might say “Give the buy a break. He’s saying what you want and he’s sending the right message.” Nope. The man is a lawyer who can out-Clinton Clinton on forcing you to parse every syllable of every word he says. This president is still lawless and he has no intention of enforcing immigration law as it stands. He has no intention of implementing real security. He and his Democrat cohorts keep saying as much, in all that noise about him “borrowing” power to re-work the law without Congress. He can’t do that. But he is signaling that he will, and he will do it to benefit his party, and the potential illegal aliens out there.
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