BREAKING: Democrat PAC Attempted to Breach Security, Trespass on a GOP Event at a Public School

GOP Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA-08) held an event at a local public high school science club in his district this afternoon. The school is Council Rock High School South in Holland, PA.


The school’s science club tweeted the visit, and evidently the progressive American Bridge PAC noticed the tweets.


According to a source on the Fitzpatrick campaign, American Bridge sent a tracker who identified himself as “Jordan” uninvited into the school. That tracker was able to enter and trespass but a Fitzpatrick staffer politely turned him away. The campaign notified the school of the security breach. Most public schools do not allow unidentified individuals into school buildings without signing in, and there is no evidence that the American Bridge trackers ever attempted to sign in.

American Bridge, according to the source, then attempted to break a second tracker into the school. The source says that a teacher approached the second tracker, asked for identification, and then requested school security to watch the doors.


According to its website, American Bridge “monitors what Republican politicians say and fights back when their rhetoric doesn’t match their records.” Does that monitoring now include repeatedly attempting to break into public schools during instruction hours?

Apparently so. American Bridge is among the Democrats’ key super PACs. School security is extremely serious business these days, but American Bridge tried — twice — to breach security at a school just to track and then attack a political candidate.

Update: It was a teacher who notified the school of the security breach, and school security nabbed the second tracker. That second tracker was thrown out by security.


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