Shucks, Sequester Hits The IRS


The Internal Revenue Service says it will close all public offices for five days over the next five months because of automatic spending cuts.
The cuts went into effect when Congress and President Obama couldn’t agree on a budget deal. Taxpayer assistance centers and toll-free phone lines will be shut down on May 24, June 14, July 5, July 22 and Aug. 30. Most IRS employees will be furloughed those days.
Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller told workers in an email that offices may have to be closed an additional two days in August or September, as the agency looks for more ways to save money.


Sorry to tease like that. Five days over five months just proves that the sequester cuts weren’t nearly severe enough.

As for looking for ways to save money, why don’t we avoid letting them accrue costly man hours working on that and let a citizen panel decide where fat can be trimmed from this behemoth.


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