The Obama-Loving Cop Killer

Former Los Angeles police officer Chris Dorner is one confused man, so I’m not going to ascribe any political motivations to his (alleged) killings. In a rambling internet diatribe he praises gun control, Barack Obama, George H.W. Bush, Colin Powell, and Piers Morgan. Here’s what’s happened since:


A bitter former cop, Chris Dorner has vowed more revenge killings of cops and their family members. Dorner was a Naval reserve officer and has all of the latest greatest weapons and explosives training. Doner is the object of a desperate manhunt at this hour.

Dorner was fired for allegedly making a false report against a training officer alleging brutality during an arrest. Donor sought help at a police board of rights hearing from former LAPD Captain Randy Quan. Quan was unable to save Dorner’s job. Dorner now blames Quan for the failed outcome.

Apparently in an act of revenge Dorner stalked and murdered Quan’s daughter, Monica, 28 and her fiancée Keith Lawrence, 28 in Irving, CA Sunday night. They were both shot multiple times.

Doner has also vowed to exact revenge on numerous additional officers and their children.

He’s been seen driving a blue 2005 Nissan Titan pickup with a California license plate number 7X03191.


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