New York Times Pre-Blames Tea Party For Expected Immigration Fight

The official publication of the Democratic National Committee still doesn’t get it.

Republicans are betting that opposition from Tea Party activists and the party’s most conservative supporters will have less impact because of the dire electoral consequences of continuing to take a hard line regarding immigrants. The senators on Monday released a blueprint for a new immigration policy that opens the door to possible citizenship ahead of a Tuesday speech on the subject by Mr. Obama in Las Vegas.


From Day One, the Tea Party movement has been about spending by our supposed representatives. I’ve been involved with the movement from the beginning and have spent the last four years traveling the country speaking to Tea Party groups. Every single gathering dealt with federal spending and nothing else. If there has ever been an anti-immigration reform Tea Party event it’s been a well-kept secret. And on the off chance one may have occurred, the group involved didn’t understand the movement any better than the Times does.


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