Rendell: Hey, Obama Finally has Executive Experience

Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell (D) said President Obama could benefit in his second term from actually having gained experience as an executive.

“He came to Washington I think a little bit naive. Thinking that because he was talking about the things that were right and just and everyone would flock to his banner,” Rendell said last night on MSNBC. “He didn’t know that as he was taking his inaugural ball, there were 15 people plotting to destroy his presidency.”


“He wasn’t aware that those type of things happened. He’s learned about Washington. He`s experienced. And I think he’s going to be far more effective, I thought he had a very good first term. But I think he has the potential of having a great second term.”

Rendell said the re-election of Obama is a sign that the country has “matured significantly.”

“I think in 2008, we elected the first African-American president. In 2012, we reelected a president,” he said.

“I think there were very few voters who went to the polls in 2012 and said, should we elect an African-American president. They judged him on his record, they judged him on what he wanted to do for the country. And that’s a big thing.”

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Fla.) said she believes Obama is wiser and stronger heading into term No. 2.

“I’ve seen him sharpen his wit and I am so proud of how he has faced the Republicans and how he is now saying he will not wheel and deal with the debt ceiling. How he is putting his foot down and moving forward, all of the issues that we want to see changed. I think this is the time. Because we have a new president,” she said.

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.), co-chairman of the Progressive Caucus in Congress, said he was “spontaneously cheering” during Obama’s speech.


“It is my considered opinion that this was a progressive speech. It was a speech that any progressive could say, ‘that’s what I’m talking about,'” Ellison said.

“This was an incredibly inclusive speech. I mean, you know, you had — you had him talking to gay America, you had him talking to new Americans, you had him talking to Americans of a diverse economic backgrounds,” he added. “Even if you are a fortunate enough to be a rich person and no problem with that, you could feel good about this speech because it meant that this is the land of opportunity, and that how can you climb up that ladder and then pull it up after you.”


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