NAACP President Ben Jealous Thinks Sen. Tim Scott is a Cornball Brother

The president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Ben Jealous, is not a fan of Sen. Tim Scott, Republican of South Carolina. He did not use the same phrase that got sports columnist Rob Parker in trouble, but the sentiment is the same. If you don’t toe the leftist-liberal line, you’re not really black. You’re a “cornball brother.”


Appearing on CNN Wednesday, the president of the NAACP slammed incoming black Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) as being a Republican who does not “believe in civil rights.”

Sen. Tim Scott was sworn into the US Senate today, the first black Republican senator from the South in forever. He was appointed to the seat by Gov. Nikki Haley, Republican, the first female Indian-American governor in US history.

Neither Scott nor Haley qualify as “colored” enough for Ben Jealous.


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