DNC Fires One of the Staffers in O'Keefe Voter Fraud Video

There’s a job opening in Houston today. The successful applicant must: Be liberal. Not too concerned about truth. See every single issue as either political or an attack on your lady parts (whether you actually have said lady parts or not). No private sector experience required, because you wouldn’t have built your business anyway. Must be fanatically devoted to Barack Obama.


The Democratic National Committee has terminated the employment of Houston, Texas, Organizing For America Regional Field Director Stephanie Caballero after she was caught on camera calling voter fraud “cool” and “so funny” while advising a presumably-liberal voter how to vote twice.

In a comment to the liberal Talking Points Memo, DNC spokeswoman Melanie Roussell accused James O’Keefe and Project Veritas of selectively editing their videos – but admitted that what Caballero did on his tape was wrong and she’s now been fired.

“There is obviously a history here of making selective use of taped material, and we will certainly not vouch for the completeness of what was released,” Roussell said. “However, what we saw was enough for us to take the action that we did.”

The DNC made no claim that Caballero’s actions were an isolated case. O’Keefe says more videos, including more damning evidence, are on the way.


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