Obama Campaign Removes Desecrated US Flag, Lies About It

Last week in the midst of assaults on US interests that included widespread desecration of the American flag, the Obama campaign released its own cultishly desecrated version of Old Glory. Called “Our Stripes,” the Obama flag is an obviously partisan redesign of the flag. Its reddish finger-paint style stripes also eerily echoed the photos of smeared blood on the walls of the sacked US consulate in Libya.


Well, Obama’s personal flag has been quietly removed from the Obama campaign store. The campaign’s explanation doesn’t pass muster.

A page where the flag was now returns as error page. A cached version of the website still shows the product but returns a error page when attempting to add the item to the cart. An Obama campaign aide says the item quickly sold out and that sold out items are automatically removed. However, a similar item to the flag print that was also sold out was not automatically removed and appears on the site with “out of stock” below it.

Now you see it.

Now, you don’t.


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