Sorry, Samuel L., But We're Still Here -- and Other Stories Around and Outside the Convention

Actor Samuel L. Jackson is upset that the thousands of Republicans and journalists who have gathered in Tampa for the RNC are still alive.

Jackson said in a profanity-filled tweet that he was “not understanding God’s plan” given the fact that the storm was not disrupting the Republican gathering.

Unfair s—,” the Oscar-nominated actor known for his colorful language said on Twitter.

“GOP spared by Isaac! NOLA prolly f—– again!”


Stay classy, Sam. But I don’t think I’ll continue seeing the movies of someone who wishes I’d drowned in a storm.

An aide to MA Democratic Senate candidate and fake Indian Elizabeth Warren went on the warpath against a Republican cameraman who was tracking her.

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, racist, really has no business being on TV anymore.

Buzz at the RNC: Who will be the “surprise speaker” on Thursday night? There are some big names among the GOP who don’t yet have speaking roles in Tampa. One slot has been left for Thursday and listed as TBD. Who will get that slot?

With Isaac bearing down on the Gulf Coast, let’s keep the people there in our hearts and prayers today.


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