Obama Thinks Romney Wants Petraeus for His Veep

Drudge with the flash.

President Obama whispered to a top fundraiser this week that he believes GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney wants to name Gen. David Petraeus to the VP slot!

“The president wasn’t joking,” the insider explains to the DRUDGE REPORT.

A Petraeus drama has been quietly building behind the scenes.

Romney is believed to have secretly met with the four-star general in New Hampshire.

The pick could be a shrewd Romney choice. A cross-party pull. The Obama administration hailed Petraeus as one of history’s greatest military strategists. Petraeus was unanimously confirmed as the Director of the CIA by the US Senate 94-0.


My guess is that this is misdirection. Petraeus doesn’t fit the classic veep-as-attack-dog mold, though he does bring other strengths to the ticket. Romney lives in Obama’s head rent-free, and seems to have the president chasing shadows when he should have been doing his job.

But isn’t it fascinating that President GotALotOnHisPlate keeps not meeting with his jobs council, and keeps dodging questions from actual reporters, but keeps in close contact with the people who matter to him most: People who have money and are inclined to give it to him.

Flashback: Petraeus could be a game-changer.


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