Democratic Senators Sneak Gun Control into Cyber Security Measure

Here come the gun grabbers.

Democratic senators have offered an amendment to the cybersecurity bill that would limit the purchase of high capacity gun magazines for some consumers.

Shortly after the Cybersecurity Act gained Senate approval to proceed to filing proposed amendments and a vote next week, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), a sponsor of the gun control amendment, came to the floor to defend the idea of implementing some “reasonable” gun control measures.

The amendment was sponsored by Democratic Sens. Frank Lautenberg (N.J.), Barbara Boxer (Calif.), Jack Reed (R.I.), Bob Menendez (N.J.), Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Schumer and Dianne Feinstein (Calif.). S.A. 2575 would make it illegal to transfer or possess large capacity feeding devices such as gun magazines, belts, feed stripes and drums of more than 10 rounds of ammunition with the exception of .22 caliber rim fire ammunition.


Remember their names.

Schumer fired off this kicker:

“Maybe we could come together on guns if each side gave some,” Schumer said.

What is Schumer willing to give?

He suggested that Democrats make it clear that their goal is not to repeal the Second Amendment.

Oh. He realizes that they don’t have to repeal the Second Amendment, when they can “give” it away bit by bit.


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