Obama Reacts To Putin Photo Caption Contest

This week it was reported that Russia had “dispatched a flotilla of 11 warships to the eastern Mediterranean, some of which would dock in Syria.”

According to The New York Times, this large force “was considered a message not just to the region but also to the United States and other nations supporting the rebels now trying to depose Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad.”


So what is the connection between Russia’s aggressive action and our new Tatler Photo Caption Contest?

Back on June 19th, our “Campaigner in Chief” took time from his busy schedule of visiting the battleground states of Ohio and Virginia, to attend a meeting of foreign leaders in Los Cabos, Mexico. There, Russian President Putin and President Obama engaged in what was obviously an interesting chat resulting in this photo. Was Putin informing Obama about the coming flotilla?

The Chicago Tribune then posted this photo caption:

Watching President Barack Obama squirm next to Russian strongman Vladimir Putin recently, Obama avoiding eye-contact as they met to discuss Russian ambition and the catastrophe in Syria, you couldn’t help but remember Hillary Clinton’s campaign commercial about that 3 a.m. phone call.

Now, based on past photo caption contests, I am certain PJ Media readers can top that.


So here is your chance to prove it.  To start the contest here is my entry:

Putin had just said to Obama, “I will bury your country and your little dog too.”

Remember, the only rules are to be nice and stay classy because other web sites are watching and writing about our photo caption contests.

The winning caption will be announced in a future post and the writer bestowed with much  honor, glory and vodka toasts.

Good Luck Comrades!




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