Docu-Drama: Romney Releases Tax Return, Gingrich Releases Freddie Mac Contract

Both Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich have released the documents that have dogged them over the past few campaign days, Romney releasing his 2011 and 2010 tax returns and Gingrich releasing one year’s contract for his work Freddie Mac.


Gingrich’s Freddie Mac contract is here.

Romney’s tax returns are here. His investments are placed in a blind trust.

Gingrich made about $1.6 million for his work for Freddie Mac over the course of several years, but the released contract only covers 2006, for which Freddie Mac paid the Gingrich Group $300,000. According to the contract, Gingrich reported to Craig Thomas for consulting work. Thomas was Freddie Mac’s Director of Public Policy. Departments of public policy are typically the seats of lobbying activity.




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