FOIA'd Docs Reveal NASA Global Warmist James Hansen Is a Paid Green Shill

Lining his pockets with green.

American Tradition Institute director of litigation Chris Horner first filed a FOIA request with NASA for records on Hansen’s outside employment in February, but the Obama administration initially fought the request, even litigating the matter in court.

Then, all of a sudden last Friday, the Justice Department sent Horner the documents he had requested.

A January 20, 2009, document shows that the Canadian law firm Ackroyd LLP retained Hansen to prepare a report “regarding the anticipated greenhouse gas emissions from the Joslyn Oil Sand Mine.”

Ackroyd represents the Oil Sand Environmental Coalition (OSEC), a group fighting to stop oil sand development. Federal government employees are not allowed to accept money for expert testimony in proceedings before a court or agency of the United States. But Hansen was testifying before a Candian court, so as long as he disclosed the payments, the agreement should have been legal.

It is still unclear how much money Hansen received from Ackroyd, however, since his 2010 financial disclosure form did not list them as a source of income. Neither does his 2009 form. There is also no record of his disclosing any travel expenses related to his 2010 oil sands testimony in Canada.



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