The Unions Have Secured Their Own Private Army and It's Called OWS

In record time, the unions have apparently recruited their own private army to march on select greedy corporations without even receiving any union benefits. Such a deal! They call their new unpaid army “Occupy Wall Street” (OWS.)


This Friday, according to the union’s own websites, OWS has agreed to join forces with the Communications Workers of America (CWA), backed by other area unions including the IBEW. Plans have been made to meet and rally on Fri., Oct. 21st against Verizon. The striking CWA has yet to reach an agreement with Verizon, and OWS comes at such an opportune time!

On Thursday, every steward at every work location will be explaining to every member how we will join forces with the “99% group” and the “Occupy Work Street Group” to fight this Company. Verizon – the Poster Child for Corporate Greed –  must never be allowed to destroy our future.

On Friday, CWA and the Occupy Wall Street protestors will join forces and go on a field trip. Call your Local or ask your steward to sign up for this trip. Call a retiree and get a commitment that they will join the fight by joining the trip.


Their rallying flyer explains:

Occupy Wall Street supports our struggle—they have joined our info picket lines and leafleted at VZ Wireless stores. They are heeding our call not to upgrade to Apple’s iPhone4S on Verizon’s network until Verizon and Verizon Wireless stop trying to downgrade our jobs.

Is this what a lot of the “occupiers” had in mind when they signed up for this gig? Did they expect to become unpaid and uncovered marching numbers for unions? How many of them are familiar with this strike and what the demands and negotiotions have been so far? Maybe it’s time for the OWS Army to wake up and smell the politically correct Fair Trade coffee.


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