Shocking Photos: Barack Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panthers in 2007

Breitbart has the story and the photos, which raise questions about a number of things including why the Department of Justice closed its investigation of the New Black Panthers in 2009 — after it had already won that case. PJ Media led the coverage of the DOJ’s dismissal of this case, when J. Christian Adams resigned from the Department over the dismissal and told the story here. Was closure of that case a quid pro quo for the Panthers’ public support of Obama in 2007 and 2008?


New photographs obtained exclusively by reveal that Barack Obama appeared and marched with members of the New Black Panther Party as he campaigned for president in Selma, Alabama in March 2007.

The photographs, captured from a Flickr photo-sharing account before it was scrubbed, are the latest evidence of the mainstream media’s failure to examine Obama’s extremist ties and radical roots.

In addition, the new images raise questions about the possible motives of the Obama administration in its infamous decision to drop the prosecution of the Panthers for voter intimidation.

The images, presented below, also renew doubts about the transparency of the White House’s guest logs–in particular, whether Panther National Chief Malik Zulu Shabazz is the same “Malik Shabazz” listed among the Obama administration’s early visitors.

Among those appearing with Obama was Shabazz, the Panther leader who was one of the defendants in the voter intimidation case that Attorney General Eric Holder dismissed. Also present was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47’s and then mocking their widows in this video (7:20 – 8:29).

Injustice [J. Christian Adams’ book, which will be released Tuesday] includes a disturbing photo of Shabazz and the Panthers marching behind Obama with raised fists in the “Black Power” salute.

There are even more photographs.

I have learned that Regnery initially received approval from a person who took pictures of the events in Selma to publish these additional photographs in Injustice.

After the photographer wrote Regnery reversing his permission to include the photographs in Injustice, the images were removed from the photographer’s Flickr account.  Yet we were able to capture them before they disappeared.

The photographs show Obama sharing the same podium at the event with the Panthers.

In the first image, Shabazz stands at the podium, surrounded by uniformed Panthers, including Muhammed. In the second photograph, Obama commands the same podium.


The New Black Panthers are a radical Muslim black separatist group that, among other things, supported threats of violence against cartoonists in Denmark for their depictions of Muhammad. Members of the group engaged in overt voter intimidation in 2008 in Philadelphia, and the Obama-Holder Department of Justice later dropped the case against them after it had won that case. The Panthers endorsed Obama in 2008, an endorsement that was posted on and later scrubbed from his campaign web site.

I’d say that this is far more relevant than an anonymously painted rock out in West Texas. This is the current president choosing of his own free will to accept support from and appear with some very radical and racist figures, during his rise to power. The New Black Panthers’ militant radicalism and racism are impossible to ignore. A “Malik Shabazz” (not exactly a common name) has appeared numerous times on White House visitor logs since Obama’s inauguration; the White House has insisted that it’s not the same Malik Shabazz who leads the New Black Panther movement but has not produced the alternative Malik Shabazz.  Added to the fact that Barack Obama sat in the pews of radical racist pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright for 20 years, borrowing the title for one of his books from him and citing Wright as a mentor, we get a picture of a man who at the very least allied himself with very radical elements when it suited him. And that man is the president of the United States.


And we have a picture of a mainstream media, obsessed with race when it suits them, not asking Obama a single question about this event in Selma or his other links and associations with radicals from the beginning of his political career, to the present.

J. Christian Adams’ book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department, is due out Tuesday, October 4. PJ will publish an excerpt of Injustice tomorrow as well.

Update: This is one of several photos in the book that President Obama must address. It’s close to impossible to overstate how noxious a character Shabazz is. Among other things, he led the NBPP’s protests at the Danish embassy in Washington DC during the Muhammad cartoon controversy, siding with the extremists who falsified some of the cartoons and turned those cartoons into a cause for violent riots. Obama’s appearance with Shabazz shows either a total lack of judgement, or reveals something about Obama’s character and beliefs that the nation has a right to know about and assess.


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