Andy McCarthy Scalds the Executive Branch

Andy McCarthy has this must read scalding of the Obama Presidency, root to branch.  It also discusses PJM’s Every Single One Series about DOJ hiring corruption and compares scandal plagued Deputy Attorney General Loretta King to Luca Brasi.


Under Obama, the mutineers are now running the ship. They complained bitterly that the Ike Brown case had strained their cherished relationship with left-wing civil rights organizations (yes, redundant again). These groups are a revolving door for progressive lawyers desirous of burnishing their credentials with a stint at Justice. As a recent Pajamas Media investigation has shown, the Obama administration recruits from the ACLU, the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, the American Constitution Society, the Mexican American Legal Defense Fund, La Raza, the SEIU’s “Civic Participation Project,” and similar radical redoubts. The Civil Rights Division has thus staffed up with lawyers who have spent years opposing voter identification laws, challenging the rights of states to verify that voters are American citizens, seeking to overturn state laws that disenfranchise convicted felons, advancing the gay rights agenda, lobbying for Big Labor’s goals of organizing graduate students, and ending the secret ballot in unionization votes. There is even a recruit from the “Intersex Society of North America,” a Clinton Department of Justice veteran who returned to the Civil Rights Division having worked for “systemic change to end shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries for people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female” (I kid you not).






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