Obama in campaign mode, still demagoguing budget battle

Speaking in PA, President Obama claims that he called for a budget that cuts spending but still “invests” in every single liberal pet project. All of them. Green energy, the works. Then he turned right around and accused Republicans of loading up their side with politics.


He says he does not want to see Washington politics get in the way of getting a budget. But then goes off on another political rant/lecture. He goes on about how we’re one nation and need to come together, but this is the same president who describes his political opponents as “enemies” who should be “punished.” He lectured only the Republicans, did not lecture the Democrats on their failure to pass a budget when they owned both Houses and had him in place to sign whatever they passed.

There’s no negotiating in good faith with someone who is willing to lie with a straight face so brazenly and consistently.


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