War leadership: Obama to attend swank NY fundraiser, Biden vacations in Aspen

Having spoken unconvincingly about Libya for a few minutes Monday night, President Obama apparently considers the sales job done. So for the prez and the veep, it’s time to par-tay:


Obama will first attend a fundraising dinner, for $30,800 per plate, at the new restaurant Red Rooster.  The restaurant is owned by celebrity chef and Harlem resident Marcus Samuelsson, who was also a guest chef at Obama’s first presidential dinner.  The restaurant, which “reflects the roots of American cuisine”, is located at 310 Lenox Avenue.  Tonight’s event is said to raise $1.5 million for Obama’s campaign.

Nearly $31 grand per plate. While most Americans struggle with the fact that their homes continue to dramatically lose value. Except in Washington DC, of course, where the explosion in government jobs has home values going up.

Meanwhile, VP Joe Biden is being kept out of sight on ice.

On the eve of President Barack Obama’s address to the nation on U.S. military action in Libya and a recent story about a local Florida reporter who was locked in a storage closet during a fundraiser he attended for Florida Democratic Senator Bill Nelson,  Vice President Joe Biden can only be found vacationing in the ritzy resort city of Aspen, Colorado, reports the Aspen Times.

Any reporters hoping to get a moment with the skiing veep should steer clear of closets.


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