Media Matters wages war of 'sabotage' and dumpster diving against Fox

Take a look at just how low David Brock & co. intend to go to destroy the Fox News Channel. Like online ninjas!

Media Matters, Brock said, is assembling opposition research files not only on Fox’s top executives but on a series of midlevel officials. It has hired an activist who has led a successful campaign to press advertisers to avoid Glenn Beck’s show. The group is assembling a legal team to help people who have clashed with Fox to file lawsuits for defamation, invasion of privacy or other causes. And it has hired two experienced reporters, Joe Strupp and Alexander Zaitchik, to dig into Fox’s operation to help assemble a book on the network, due out in 2012 from Vintage/Anchor.


Let’s call this what it is: The politics of personal destruction. Only, it’s not even aimed at politicians, but at media executives (many of whom aren’t all that conservative, by the way — like any large corporation, Fox employs people of all political persuasions, and no political persuasion at all). Media Matters has shifted from its useless role as a “media monitor” to a probably equally useless role as Dumpster Diving for Democrats.


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