Romney Regains Lead in Florida, as Newt Faces "Coordinated Attacks"

According to an Insider/Advantage poll:

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney apparently has reversed a surge by Newt Gingrich to retake the momentum in the Florida primary…The poll shows that Republicans most likely to vote in the state’s closed primary now favor Romney over Gingrich by 40 to 32 percent. Rep. Ron Paul has 9 percent, while former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum has 8 percent.


According to Rush Limbaugh, Newt is the victim of “coordinated attacks,” which have clearly done serious damage.

Ann Coulter, on her own, has spent the last month castigating Newt as the anti-Christ, while propping Romney up as the lone savior of America and conservatism.

Likewise, Glenn Beck has spent the last several weeks disparaging Newt as a “progressive” (according to Beck, if one does not agree with Ron Paul’s strict prescriptions for domestic libertarianism, then they are a progressive).

Respected foreign policy expert Elliot Abrams wrote a scathing piece about Newt for National Review, accusing the Presidential candidate of “misleading” the public on his relationship with Reagan. (Check out this PJ post for a rebuttal to Abrams account).



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