Amazing (dis)Grace: Obama children video

Watching this video has disturbed me more than almost anything I have seen in recent years.  It is the kind of exploitation of children that reminds me of Young Pioneer Camps I saw when visiting the Soviet Union in the Eighties.  You could say, as some have, that this is much like what happens with children in churches and synagogues across America, but this is about a political figure – one of two current presidential candidates and the one leading in the polls.  The Drudge headline references the “Dear Leader.”  Quite apt.  Here for you edification are the words of the people who saw fit to put this together (there’s more at the link):


Sing for Change chronicles a recent Sunday afternoon, when 22 children, ages 5-12, gathered to sing original songs in the belief that their singing would lift up our communities for the coming election. Light, hope, courage and love shine through these nonvoting children who believe that their very best contribution to the Obama campaign is to sing.

And they complain about the religious right – can you imagine the reaction to a similar group of kids singing about McCain under the tutelage of an evangelical minister?


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