Progressing Into the Past: School Expands Segregated Classes

(Image by Juraj Varga from Pixabay.)

The left is great at gaslighting via the English language. For decades, the term "segregation" had negative connotations attached to it — for good reason. Mostly, it was used when discussing race relations concerning whites and blacks. In schools, segregation came to an official end in 1954 with the landmark Brown v. Board of Education U.S. Supreme Court case, though implementing the ruling nationwide would take many years. The argument at that time was that white students had a much better learning environment. White schools received more funding and therefore could hire better teachers, were generally located in “better” areas, and had newer equipment and facilities, all of which contributed to an atmosphere more conducive to learning. 


Today, almost fifty years after the ruling that ended segregation, the left is trying to selectively reimplement it. Now, they are trying to sell it as a positive thing, and as usual, they are using paradoxical terms to ease their deception into reality.

This year, Evanston Township High School (ETHS), located outside of Chicago, has expanded what they are calling “affinity classes.” These classes are segregated into black-only and Latino-only classrooms. Notice the word segregation has morphed into the term “affinity.” This is being done to reduce what the school is calling an “academic achievement gap,” with the supposed goal of making black and Latino students more “comfortable” in class.

"More comfortable." Really? The Evanston School Board Vice President is Monique Parsons. Parsons, for the record, is black, so you would think that this type of separation would be offensive to her. Instead, she defends the idea, stating, “Our black students are, for lack of a better word … at the bottom, consistently still, and they are being outperformed consistently.”

So, in Parson’s and the school district’s opinion, eliminating white students from these classrooms will prove beneficial to students of color. White teachers have also been eliminated from teaching these classes. It should be noted that Evanston is not the only community to offer race-segregated classrooms. Woke strongholds such as Minneapolis, Seattle, San Francisco, and Oakland have also been offering race-specific high school electives in subjects such as African-American history since as far back as 2015. Evanston has taken it a step further by expanding it to subjects such as math, English, algebra 2, and AP calculus. 


Raise your hand if you are like me and find this entire concept to be not only incredibly racist but absolutely ludicrous. Who’s to say that a white student or students wouldn’t want to choose African-American history as an elective? Not everyone’s mind is as small as those enforcing these rules. It isn’t a stretch for a person to want to understand the culture of others. By eliminating their ability to learn, you are promoting and demonstrating racism to someone who is trying to eliminate it. Also, how ridiculous is it for Evanston to expand this racist idea to subjects like English, math, algebra, and calculus? 

Can you imagine the outrage on the left if a special class for poor-performing white students was created, and all people of color were excluded? The racist door swings both ways and sadly there are always losers on both sides.

These schools are able to skirt the federal non-discriminatory laws that forbid segregation on the basis of race by making these classes voluntary. However, by even offering them, the schools are promoting the concept of racism. It opens the door for “lawful” unmitigated racial mayhem, and that’s not what any institution of learning is supposed to do. 

In an interview with the Washington Stand, Meg Kilgannon, the Family Research Council’s Senior Fellow for Education Studies, had this to say:

“In this example, the school system is failing to educate a portion of students. Rather than blame themselves for failing to prepare students to advance academically, this school system asks students to segregate themselves based on race. The students must do it themselves, so the school doesn’t violate civil rights laws that protect them from racial segregation.”


What she failed to mention is that this type of segregation is not going to exist in the workplace. These students are in a sense learning under false pretenses and therefore are not being educated in real-life circumstances. So far, out of 3,600 students, 200 have chosen to take these classes. Since 20% of the students are Latino and 25% are black, that equates to one out of every seven Latino students and one out of every nine black students. 

The origination of this type of racial fallacy is embodied in a stated school board goal: “Recognizing that racism is the most devastating factor contributing to the diminished achievement of students, ETHS will strive to eliminate the predictability of academic achievement based upon race.”

Regarding that, Kilgannon said:

“This deeply troubling goal summarizes quite precisely the problem with 'equity' as a worldview-guiding policy. Student achievement has many factors. 'Centering' racism as the most devastating factor will not produce better academic outcomes and is likely to produce an even more toxic environment for children of every race.”

This type of white interference delusion is nothing new to Evanston. In fact, the actions of this school reflect the flawed ingrained beliefs that white supremacy exists. In 2019, the woke city council passed a resolution that proclaimed the city to be “an anti-racist city” and “acknowledge that the trauma inflicted on people of color by persistent white supremacist ideology results in psychological harm affecting educational, economic, and social outcomes; and conjures painful memories of our city’s past.” Then, in 2021, the city became the first in America to approve reparations payments for black Americans.


Related: Seattle Middle School Teacher Leads Students in Attacking Parental Rights Group Moms for Liberty 

Evanston is approximately 15 miles outside of Chicago. It’s no surprise that hatred and stupidity have spread outward from a city many consider to be in the top three epicenters for both. The bottom line though is this: the damage cities and school districts like this are doing is generational. These students will need to “unlearn” what they have been force-fed by the left, and that will not be an easy task. The United States has already changed drastically, and not for the better. If we are going to reverse this, it has to begin on the local level, and the battleground has to start with local school boards. 

Martin Luther King Junior said, “Nothing is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.”

I disagree. I think MLK was being gracious. In my humble opinion, nothing is more dangerous than insincere ignorance and unconscientious stupidity." And the left has a patent on both.



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