Seven Images That Will Make The Occupiers Cry

The only thing the “Occupy Wall Street” gang has done in the past month is occupy space and news headlines. Whatever we’re being told about these “occupiers” by their sympathizers, when they get an opportunity to speak for themselves, it’s clear that their “minds” are fully occupied with stealing from the rich to give to themselves — and they want the government to do it for them.


But….this Anti-Occupation Gang has inspired  me to create a number of graphics in response to their antics.

7. From “FREEDOM!” to…

Next: An appropriate graphic given the lack of port-o-potties at OWS…

6. Taking a Dump on America

We’ve learned that the only true movement that comes to mind about this gang is a bowel movement.

5. Reaching for the Government’s Golden Handcuffs

What I think these “occupiers” really want behind their inarticulate demands:

Next: Occupy your back pocket?

4. Revolootion

As far as this being a revolution…..

3. The Professional Left’s Next Stop: Your Back Pocket

Next: The masks come off. 

2. Eating Away From Within

Here’s the bottom line about what these people really are:


1. The Occupier-In-Chief

These “occupiers” want the unearned in every aspect of their lives, but the one thing that they’ve truly earned is our contempt. They want what they want and we better give it to them….or else. This is their big idea. Whatever respect they might have tricked some into giving them is now buried under their anti-Americanism, anti-Capitalism, anti-Semitism, and, above all, anti-Occupation.



If you want to see more of my work, please visit my blog where you can get a glimpse at my current graphic novel, THE INFIDEL, featuring PIGMAN, the jihadists’ worst nightmare.


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