The Backlash That Never Arrives


● “Andrea Mitchell Worries About ‘Far-Right’ Response to France.”

—Headline, NewsBusters, yesterday.

“CNN Editor Compares France to Ferguson.”*


—Headline, CNS News yesterday.

“Terrorism doesn’t justify insulting Islam.”

—Headline, CNN today. (Link safe, goes to Vodkapundit’s deconstruction of CNN’s “Bass-Ackwards” insanity.)


● “Belgian Counter-Terrorism Cops Kill Two Suspected Terrorists, Forestalling What They Call an ‘Imminent’ Attack.”

—Headline, Ace of Spades today.

To paraphrase Tom Wolfe, the dark night of fascism is forever descending in the addled minds of MSM journalists everywhere, and yet, it’s a very different type of socialism that is actually arriving in Europe these day, one that the overculture is simply to cowardly to discuss.

Or as Mark Steyn recently wrote, during World War II, “An occupying army marches in, you defeat them, they march out …and Paris is Paris again. But Paris – and Picardy, and France — have been profoundly changed, and likely permanently. The French capital is a city of no-go zones, and Jews hunched in a freezer to avoid death, and a government gibbering the Official Lies no matter how ridiculous they sound. And there’s no easy way to get this occupation force to march out.”


Or to put it another way, “We were part of France — until France ceased to be France.”

* What, was a Charlie Hebdo cartoonist shot after he robbed an art supply store and tried to shoot a French policeman with his own gun?


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