United Nations Election Observer Details Revealed

PJ Tatler has obtained the document detailing the places across the United States where United Nations election observers will be deployed.  The document identifies the stateside targets, particular officials as well as their country of origin.  To see it, click here.


For example, Aida Alzhanova of Kazakhstan will be monitoring in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and Phoenix, Arizona.  Elchin Musayvev from Azerbaijan will be monitoring in Concord, New Hampshire.

Kazakhstan has been criticized for a weak human rights record and a government that tightly controls speech, assembly and the free exercise of religion.  Azerbaijan is worse.  The government there has violently cracked down on peaceful protests and the “atmosphere for journalists is hostile. . . . The government tightened restrictions on religious groups. . . . Torture and ill-treatment in police custody continue with impunity.”

Other U.N. targets include Richmond (VA), Harrisburg (PA), Raleigh (NC), Austin (TX), Des Moines (Iowa), St. Paul, (Minn.), Topeka (KS), and Tallahassee (FL).

Yesterday, Catherine Engelbrecht of True the Vote was on Fox News criticizing the U.N. deployment.


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