O'Bagy Shows The Road to Success: Lie for Obama, Kerry, and McCain on Syria

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper. –T.S.  Eliot


For one who has made a career as an international political analyst this is the equivalent to the end of the world.


Elizabeth O’Bagy was a Georgetown University graduate student. She wrote an article for Atlantic Monthly saying that most Syrian rebels are radical Islamists.

Of course. Everyone knows that, even the Syrian rebels.

But then O’Bagy got two new jobs.

One was for a consulting firm, the  Institute for the Study of War, that  would  get U.S. State Department dollars from an Obama Administration which wanted to give the money to those who portrayed the Syrian rebels as moderates.

The other was an advocacy group, the Syrian Emergency Task Force, a public relations firm for the Syrian rebels, which also wanted the Syrian rebels portrayed as moderates to get U.S aid.  By the way, the group is run by someone who also supports Hamas and is probably a Muslim Brotherhood front.

These are conflicts of interest.

But wait. There’s more. She then wrote an article for the Wall Street Journal that said the Syrian rebels are moderates.

The Wall Street Journal knew about the conflict of interest but said nothing. Why? Because they supported the Syrian rebels.

Now O’Bagy is all over the television news. Truth isn’t important, it is simply what policy people support.

And then she is taking Senator McCain on a visit to Syrian rebels, organized by a man who supports Hamas with two al-Qaida participants attending.

Then Secretary of State John Kerry says he depends on O’Bagy’s lying and corrupt statements. Well, after all he paid for them!

But a small group of people with memories expose the lies. By the way, while O’Bagy has presented herself as a PhD, she wasn’t even accepted for the PhD program!


So because she is exposed as a liar, she is fired.

But what about the lies she told?


What about the  State Department taking advice from a Hamas supporter?


What about U.S. policy being based on the lie that Syrian rebels are moderate?


What about U.S. policy being made by Kerry and McCain without confronting the lie?


What’s the new act in the saga of O’Bagy?

She is rewarded for being a serial liar and a friend of the Muslim Brotherhood by being hired in McCain’s office. The senator says she is a good researcher.

When the history of this era is written—maybe by crayon—this saga will be the perfect example to use.

And here is an advisor to the DHS–just promoted–who  is proud to have the symbol for the Islamic Revolution, R4BIA, on his twitter profile.  He’s also using his twitter profile to claim that any Christians slaughtered by Muslims probably had it coming because they must have insulted the Muslims first. Nice guy. He was personally appointed to his post at the DHS by Janet Napolitano.




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