It Wouldn't Voom If You Put Four Million Volts Through It

The Chevy Volt — as American as soccer and apfel strudel:

The July sales numbers are out and the Chevy Volt continues to electrify (get it?) the country. GM sold … 125 Volts last month!

Way back in March I made fun of the Volt for selling 281 units in February. Turns out, February was a good month. But wait, there’s more! GM says they’re going to increase production to 5,000 Volts per month in order to keep up with demand. You see, they claim that the reason the Volt isn’t selling is that they can’t keep enough cars on the lot. A GM spokeswoman recently claimed that they are “virtually sold out.” Which is virtually true. Mark Modica called around his local Chevy dealers and found plenty of Volts waiting for an environmentally conscious driver to bring them home.


The good news is, subsidizing Volt purchases will turn out to be a lot less expensive than even the Democrats figured. Now we just need to figure out if they’ll chalk that up as a win or a loss.


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