Must-See Radio

The new PJM Political has been transmogrified into podcast form and made available for your downloading pleasure. On this week’s show:

Scott Ott and Alfonzo Rachel of PJTV Salutes Rep. Charles Rangel — Mr. Tax-Law-Writing-Tax-Evader.

James Lileks on former eBay CEO Meg Whitman’s run for the California governorship, and the filthiest Microsoft commercial that never was.

From last weekend’s “Smart Girl Politics” conference in Nashville, Dr. Helen Smith interviews Michelle Malkin on the surprising impact of Twitter as a social media.

Roger L. Simon interviews Norman Podhoretz, longtime editor of Commentary magazine on his new book, Why Are Jews Liberals?

From PJTV’s weekly “Poliwood” series, Roger L. Simon and fellow Academy Award-nominated screenwriter Lionel Chetwynd on the overt politicization of the National Endowment for the Arts.


Plus, überproducer Ed Driscoll and I talk about last week’s UN antics, then slit our wrists.


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