Krauthammer: 'Amateur Hour'

Yeah, what he said:

“[T]he most astonishing thing is the lack of any urgency,” Krauthammer said. “As you say, Congress will be back in a week. He says, ‘I can strike in a day or a week or a month,’ as if he is a judge handing down a sentence and the execution can be any time in the future. There is a war going on. Do you think everybody is going to hold their breath, hold their arms, step aside until Obama decides when he wants to go to Congress?

“Look, I think he should go to Congress,” he continued. “I think it is absolutely necessary. But he has done no preparation. What they should have done — I mean, this is sort of amateur hour. When there were the first attacks six months ago or if you like, when we had the current attacks, he should have immediately have called in the Congress the way the prime minister of Britain had called in the parliament, had a debate and got a resolution and then went out and told the world we are going do x or we are not going to do x.”

“But the idea that you make the case, you leak the details, you tell the world that this has to be done and then you say, ‘Well, I will take my time. I’ll go to Congress and we’ll see,’” Krauthammer said. “This should be done in three days. It isn’t as if people are not aware of the arguments. You should go out there, bring them in [and] have it done by the end of the week. And the world, I think, will have higher respect. But this looks as if you are a cynic, meaning if you are sitting Syria, Iran, Moscow, it looks like a president who boxed himself into a corner and is looking for a way out.”


If we hadn’t noticed by now that Obama is a ditherer, we never will. This president mistakes thoroughness with thoughtfulness.

I’m not the first to point out that he is making decisions like a community organizer. He consults with his staff, he calls in experts from the outside, he thinks, he mulls — and then he starts the whole process over again.  And again.

Can you imagine this guy commanding at Trenton? Or D-Day? Reminds me of General McClellan — gets the army ready to fight and then can’t make a decision to commit. It’s almost as if he doesn’t want to come to a decision, that he’s in love with the process and would prefer to continue deliberation for the pure bureaucratic joy of it.

This guy makes Bush look like MacArthur.


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