Results for: the daily caller

The Morning Briefing: Ice Cream Bombs, Noriega Dead, Tillerson in Rolling Thunder and Much, Much More…dead-tillerson-in-rolling-thunder-and-much-much-more-n51794
– Families were gathering after breaking their daily fast as part of Islam’s holy month of Ramadan when the bomb near the ice cream shop … Writes Derek Hunter at the Daily Caller: “Posts on his Facebook page indicate he was a supporter of socialist Senator Bernie Sanders … during Ramadan or a reception marking the Eid al-Fitr holiday at the end of the month, at the State Department.…
Muslim Brotherhood Incites More Terror Attacks Targeting Egypt's Coptic Christians…ore-terror-attacks-targeting-egypts-coptic-christians-n96406
– — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 21, 2017 Since before the beginning of the Arab Spring in 2011, the Muslim Brotherhood has … Hassan al-Banna, claimed that the government, not the Muslim Brotherhood, was to blame for the torching of the 70+ churches and monasteries … Copts for the attack on the cathedral.…
Latest Developments From the Manchester Bombing Investigation…riana-grande-manchester-concert-bombing-investigation-n96328
– of the Manchester terror attack — Daily Express (@Daily_Express) May 24, 2017 … Caller (@DailyCaller) May 24, 2017 So, the imam at the mosque Abedi attended knew the kid had been radicalized years ago and … mosque of the #ManchesterBomb attacker strongly condemns… Islamophobia. — The Daily Signal (@DailySignal…
The Morning Briefing: CBO Numbers, a Russian 'Bombshell,' The Great Rice War and Much, Much More
– Later in the afternoon, the President will participate in the NATO unveiling of the Article 5 and Berlin Wall memorials. … Rachel Stoltzfoos nailed this game right away when she wrote a piece at The Daily Caller expertly-titled: “Go Straight To The Fifth … The great rice war has begun The American consumer has lived through many food wars: the mayonnaise war, the sugar war, the milk…
U.S. Islamic Group Condemns 'March Against Sharia,' Forgets It Is a Designated Terrorist Organization…st-sharia-forgets-they-are-a-designated-terrorist-org-n96802
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) attacked the “March Against Sharia” rallies that occurred in 20+ cities around the … HLF case, they specifically identified the organization as part of the U.S. … #GOP — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) March 18, 2011 It was only because of the direct intervention of top Obama administration…
More Video of CNN's Staged Muslim 'Anti-Terror Protest'
– Here’s a YouTube video showing what was going on prior to the Twitter video: The Daily Caller explains: Youtube video taken … Jordan then crosses the street and shows the Muslim women who were featured on the CNN broadcast. … The Muslim women then gather their posters and cross the street to set up for the CNN shot that was used in the broadcast.…
The Morning Briefing: It's 'National Comey Testimony Day'
– In the afternoon, the President will depart the White House for the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority Conference at the … Obama didn’t warn elections official about Russia hacking The Daily Caller has an exclusive story about how former President Obama … “We did ask,” Denise Merrill, Connecticut secretary of state and the association’s top official, told The Daily Caller News Foundation…
'Washington Post' Reporter Defends Mosque Where Imam Was Caught Promoting Female Genital Mutilation…e-imam-was-caught-promoting-female-genital-mutilation-n96735
– Region (@APSouthRegion) June 6, 2017 The Washington Post waded into the matter, describing the mosque as being “embattled” from … The notoriety has gotten to the point where after each attack or arrest of a Muslim suspect, the mosque often finds TV crews camped … In November 2001, in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, the FBI compiled information about terrorist fundraising by the Holy Land Foundation…
Reality Winner Is a Bernie Fan, Trump 'Resister,' and Black Lives Matter Supporter…e-fan-trump-resister-and-black-lives-matter-supporter-n51944
Daily Caller:  She also recently referred to President Trump as a “piece of shit” because of his position on the Dakota Access Pipeline … Shortly before the election, she said she would eat the U.S. … The future of the planet depends on it.…
The Morning Briefing: Leaker Nabbed, Biden's Back, Franken Cancels Maher and Much, Much More…bidens-back-franken-cancels-maher-and-much-much-more-n51918
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H. R. McMaster. … The Daily Caller writes: Reality Leigh Winner’s apparent social media footprint also shows that she is a supporter of other liberal … “A soldier of Islamic State carried out the attack in Melbourne, Australia in response to the calls for targeting the citizens of the
Yes, We Still Need White House Press Briefings
– “The press briefings have gone dark,” writes The Hill, and so the debate continues. … Trump has repeatedly derided as the “enemy of the people.” … Breitbart, Gateway Pundit, The Daily Caller, and Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal all have a presence there, as does a reporter from…
As America's Arab Muslim Allies Move Against the Muslim Brotherhood, 'Smart Set' Doubles Down on Support…the-muslim-brotherhood-smart-set-doubles-down-support-n97055
– world moves against the Muslim Brotherhood, including the largest Arab Muslim country in the world (Egypt), the Washington, D.C. think … time, going back to the end of the Bush administration the CIA directly funded the “moderate Muslim Brotherhood” narrative: CIA … Muslim Brotherhood Lobbies Congress — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) May 17, 2017…
The Morning Briefing: Oss-Kicking in Georgia, Jeh Johnson Testifies and Much, Much More…g-in-georgia-jeh-johnson-testifies-and-much-much-more-n52128
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then receive a cybersecurity briefing. … The race was called when the split was 52 Handel, 48 Ossoff. … Over at The Daily Caller, Richard Pollock has an exclusive look at what Connie Lawson, the incoming president of the non-partisan National…
The Morning Briefing: Eye on Georgia, WH Press Room Dies in Darkness and Much, Much More…gia-wh-press-room-dies-in-darkness-and-much-much-more-n52123
– Trump will receive his daily intelligence briefing. The President will then meet with National Security Advisor H.R. … Later in the evening, the President and the First Lady will return to the White House. … Torres, 22, is not in the U.S. legally according to a Daily Caller report.…
MSNBC Host Labels Rep. Scalise an 'Extremist' While He Lies in Hospital Bed…ep-scalise-an-extremist-while-he-lies-in-hospital-bed-n52095
– Barber II  when the conversation turned to Rep. … The Daily Caller: MSNBC host Joy Ann Reid had the gall to blame Republicans for divisive rhetoric just a day after she took cheap … Reid started the 11 a.m.…
Report: Left-Wing Terrorist Hodgkinson Had an Assassination List Targeting Conservative Reps…had-an-assassination-list-targeting-conservative-reps-n52082
– Hodgkinson had an assassination list of conservative House members in his pocket, according to an exclusive report in The Daily Caller … of the situation, who spoke on condition of anonymity, citing the sensitivity of the investigation. … Duncan said Hodgkinson asked him in the parking lot moments before the shooting if the players on the field were Republicans or Democrats…
The Morning Briefing: Eye on Kushner, DOJ Smacks the Leakers, DAPA Gone, and Much, Much More…r-doj-smacks-the-leakers-dapa-gone-and-much-much-more-n52072
– Here’s some amazing documentation of crimes committed against folks on the right The Daily Caller has a list of attacks committed … by the nutters on the left. … The aggression since Trump’s nomination is difficult to enumerate, but nevertheless, The Daily Caller News Foundation poured over media…
The 7 Most Despicable Reactions to the Virginia Ballpark Shooting
– Via Betsy Rothstein at The Daily Caller: The New Republic featured a story by Harris in August, 2016. … Via The Daily Caller:  James T. Hodgkinson, who shot Rep. … MARKOS SAYS ‘REPUBLICANS ARE GETTING WHAT THEY WANT’: The always repellent founder of Daily Kos, Markos Moulitsas, responded to a…
The Morning Briefing: 'What Is This?' Asks Sessions, Real Hacking Ignored, Rolling Stone to Pay Out and Much, Much More…g-ignored-rolling-stone-to-pay-out-and-much-much-more-n52035
the GOP controlling the Senate, the Congress and the White House, the minority party continues to dictate the agenda. … Last week, The Daily Caller reported that the Obama administration did not warn any of the secretaries of State about this massive … The Daily Caller writes about these revelations published in a Rolling Stone article: “At a really fundamental level we gotta get…
Nearly 20% of Rhode Island Registered Voters Live Out of State
The Daily Caller: The Providence Journal reports that Rhode Island Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea conducted an audit of the state … The Journal previously reported that there were 781,770 registered voters in the state in 2016. … The bottom line is that we don’t know if the dead are voting in Rhode Island or anywhere else.…
Media Cartel Snowflakes Melt from Blazing Heat of a Trump Tweet
– Those are the facts. … Caller (@DailyCaller) June 30, 2017 And the data doesn’t lie — CNN is taking it on the chin: CNN's total viewership from Wednesday … The First Amendment has been a vital historic recognition of the natural rights of all people, including the freedom of the press.…
Trump Cites Threat to Religious Freedom from Terrorism
The Daily Caller reports: “It’s a whole different ball game folks,” Trump said of the renewed U.S. effort against the terrorist group … The decisions mark a sharp departure from the policies of former President Barack Obama, who tightly managed the wars from the White … Trump has put those countries on notice that the U.S. will no longer gloss over the reality that the rest of the world understands:…
Democratic Governor of Louisiana Vetoes Campus Free Speech Bill
– From The Daily Caller: John Bel Edwards, the Democratic governor of Louisiana, decried the bill as a “solution in search of a problem … are already well-established by the bedrock principles” in both the state and national constitution. … Despite all the examples of violence, speakers being blocked, and the overwhelming atmosphere of intimidation on campuses across the
Feminist YouTuber Harasses Opponent at VidCon Panel — Then Claims She's the Victim…opponent-at-vidcon-panel-then-claims-shes-the-victim-n167912
– From The Daily Caller: Feminist media critic Anita Sarkeesian is facing a barrage of criticism since her unprovoked outburst at popular … The feminist critic often rails against video game players, claiming they direct abuse and misogynist harassment at women in the gaming … Yet he’s the bad guy in all this?…
17 VA Scandals Before Trump's Reform Bill
The Phoenix scandal. The story which first drew major attention to the wait list scandals was the Phoenix VA scandal. … After Hamlin was fired, however, he appealed his firing to the MSPB, and VA spokesman James Hutton told the Daily Caller that Hamlin … The Tomah VA “Candy Land.” In January 2015, the Chicago Tribune reported that the Tomah, Wisc.…
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