Results for: hillary
Battle of the Beams
To her detractors Hillary is no longer just crooked but the most crooked candidate in history, and traitor to boot, etc, etc. … If things blow up, it will be advantage Trump, or at least disadvantage Hillary. … Trump vs Hillary are signals converging from opposite ends of the spectrum until they meet explosively in the middle of the range. …
#NeverTrump Is Not, and Never Was, 'Anti-Trump'
He cited claims that recent mysterious deaths had ties to the Clinton campaign, intimating that Hillary might actually kill people. … Being #NeverTrump Doesn’t Make Me Pro-Hillary
A couple different premises lurk unspoken in that question, and in the particular way…
A Hillary Clinton Presidency Would Be An American Tragedy
This cannot happen for Hillary Clinton. … He Attacks Hillary Instead
So Hillary Clinton would be beginning her incumbency with an unprecedented level of distrust, even disgust … ‘Mayor for Hillary’ Arrested for Allegedly Trading Meth for Gay Sex Orgy
Roger L.…
EU Migrant Situation Creating Multiple Flashpoints Across the Continent Amidst Growing Domestic Terror Insurgency…e-continent-amidst-growing-domestic-terror-insurgency-n94387…e-continent-amidst-growing-domestic-terror-insurgency-n94387
— Elizabeth Harrington (@LizWFB) August 1, 2016
But as the Obama administration and the Hillary…
Hannity vs Stephens: The GOP in a Nutshell
(Though I think Hillary is at least as bad, a discussion for another day).…
Iranian Nuclear Scientist Executed for Spying
Amiri was alluded to in unclassified Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department last year. … CNN:
New Hillary Clinton emails released by the State Department appear to lift the curtain on the bizarre circumstances surrounding…
Room for Louisiana Governor, Pro-Life Democrats Under Hillary’s Big Tent?…governor-pro-life-democrats-under-hillarys-big-tent-n104432…governor-pro-life-democrats-under-hillarys-big-tent-n104432
Following the nomination of Hillary Clinton to run for president, Louisiana Gov.…
GOP Congressman Will Vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson
Rigell, who is retiring after this term, had previously stated that he would not vote for either Trump or Hillary. … Politico:
“I’ve always said I will not vote for Donald Trump and I will not vote for Hillary Clinton,” Rigell told the New York Times … Richard Hanna of New York wrote in an wrote in an op-ed for that he will be voting for Hillary Clinton.…
MSNBC Host Swears Hillary Turned Over All Her Emails...
Posted by MRCTV on Thursday, August 4, 2016
The mainstream media actually thinks Hillary has been 100% exonerated about the email…
Green Party Activist: Democrats 'Really Do Not Give a Flying F**k' About You
Ndgo recalled how the Democratic Party specifically maneuvered the strings in favor of Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders, and said … DNC #BlackLivesMAtter: ‘Don’t Vote for Hillary, She’s Killing Black People’…
This THIRD-PARTY Candidate Beats Trump's Campaign in Ad Spending
Here is his ad:
In Hillary Clinton’s America – things get worse. #TrumpPence16
— Donald J. … Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, has supercharged her campaign. … No, Hillary, Bernie, Millionaire’s Aren’t Buying Elections – 2016 Proves It…
GOPs Advise Trump to be Realistic on Ground Troops, Timetables to Defeat ISIS…realistic-on-ground-troops-timetables-to-defeat-isis-n44268…realistic-on-ground-troops-timetables-to-defeat-isis-n44268
Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) said President Obama, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Democratic vice presidential candidate … Syrian refugees that are now pouring over the border of Germany — apparently committing a lot of crimes, and the Syrian refugees Hillary … That’s how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama built ISIS into what it is today.…
Clinton Says Voter ID Laws Worst Voter Suppression Since Jim Crow
That Hillary Clinton would try to scare black people to get them to the ballot box is not surprising. … I can’t think of a single voter ID supporter who doesn’t agree with Hillary that we should expand access to the ballot to as many eligible…
'Mayor for Hillary' Arrested for Allegedly Trading Meth for Gay Sex Orgy
Richard “Scott” Silverthorne, mayor of the city of Fairfax, Virginia, and a supporter of Hillary Clinton, has been arrested after … In February, Silverthorne came out in support of Hillary Clinton for president, joining seven other Virginia “Mayors for Hillary.”…
Clinton Promises Journalists of Color a Pathway to Citizenship For Illegal Immigrants…color-a-pathway-to-citizenship-for-illegal-immigrants-n44267…color-a-pathway-to-citizenship-for-illegal-immigrants-n44267
WASHINGTON – Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton promised a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants in her first…
Clinton Says She Was 'Short-Circuited' to Explain Email Lie
Comey of course has taken no position on the statements Hillary has made publicly. … Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary by ‘Exonerating’ Her? … Chris Christie Prosecutes Hillary Clinton on the RNC Floor…
CNN Asks Benghazi Father to Criticize Trump. He Attacks Hillary Instead
Since the September 11, 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, several Gold Star families have told of Hillary Clinton’s dishonesty … When Patricia Smith — the mother of Benghazi hero Sean Smith — gave an emotional speech blaming Hillary for the death of her son at … Worse, Politifact actually felt the need to fact-check her assertions about what Hillary Clinton told her — as if they could prove…
MELTDOWN: Sean Hannity Attacks WSJ's Bret Stephens in Profanity-Laced Twitter Rant
Hannity accused Stewart of kissing the a**es of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. … July 23, 2016
He later expanded his remarks, insisting that Stewart “has his head up their as;-;”:
The truth is Obama and Hillary … If Hillary wins I will hold assholes like you accountable.…
Most Swing State GOP Insiders Want Trump to Drop Out
Hillary Clinton currently leads Donald Trump by 6.7 percent in the RealClearPolitics average.…
The Madness of Democrat Science
But perhaps the most inspiring moment of the convention was when Hillary Clinton said: “I believe in science!” … Republican but I’m not so dumb that I’m going to believe in anything as irrational as Democrat science no matter how much it makes Hillary…
Black Lives Matter Goes Global, Blocks Traffic to Heathrow
DNC #BlackLivesMatter: ‘Don’t Vote for Hillary, She’s Killing Black People’…
Trump's Enablers Will Be Responsible for His Epic Defeat in November…s-will-be-responsible-for-his-epic-defeat-in-november-n47426…s-will-be-responsible-for-his-epic-defeat-in-november-n47426
According to the latest McClatchy national poll, Donald Trump is now trailing Hillary Clinton by 15 percentage points:
New McClatchy … national poll (change from last):
Hillary 48 (+6)
Trump 33 (-6)
The last poll was before both conventions… yikes, Trump…
Taken -- to the Cleaners
Maybe Hillary will do better. She’s been getting ready for the 3 am phone call all her life .
Good luck.…
An Open Letter to Donald Trump From a Loyal Supporter
And we knew Hillary Clinton was going to get a convention bounce. … was promising what she’s promising, Elvis and Hillary would be out of luck. … This I can tell you: if this was all a branding exercise, or a conspiratorial way to get Hillary elected, or if now that you see you…
Hillary Supporters Confused Into Supporting Donald Trump...?!?
Clinton Supporters Agree With Donald Trump Quotes
These Hillary Clinton supporters unwittingly agreed with Donald J. … Trump #RockTheQuote
Posted by Jimmy Kimmel Live on Thursday, August 4, 2016
Jimmy Kimmel asked several Hillary Clinton supporters…