Results for: hillary

Neck and Neck
– against Sanders’ campaign following back to back attacks by Syrian refugees in Germany has exposed the fundamental vulnerability of Hillary … Trump is potentially disastrous — which is bad until one realizes that Hillary is actually disastrous. … There is no easy exit for Hillary from this problem.…
Bernie Supporters Are Chanting 'Lock Her Up' in Philly
– They held signs that read “Hillary for Prison” or called for her indictment. … Dylan Melnik, 24, from Boston carried a sign in the march that said “Hillary 4 Prison 2016.” … Did Comey Actually Destroy Hillary Clinton by ‘Exonerating’ Her?…
Trump Confirms Plans to Oust Cruz and Kasich
– The fact that Hillary Clinton will do the same does not absolve Trump, or excuse support for such an amoral human being.…
Official GOP Site's Response to Kaine Choice Is Stunningly Awful
– It would seem the aim was to make the point that Hillary Clinton and the party she represents have been pushed far to the progressive … A smarter move may have been some speculation about how quickly he might get pulled to the far left if Hillary is truly going to stay…
The Real Implications of Deborah Wasserman Schultz’s Resignation
– supporters, were annoyed with Debbie before “Guccifer 2.0” exposed the DNC emails, those same emails demonstrating favoritism to Hillary … It’s sort of the equivalent of Hillary blaming her husband’s adulteries on “the great rightwing conspiracy.” … I rather doubt Putin is shivering in his boots over a President Hillary “Reset Button” Clinton.…
Congressman: Republicans Not Endorsing Trump Will Lose in 2020
– Massie said some congressional Republicans refusing to back Trump want to help presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and “ … Hillary is the same thing. … There may even be some Republicans who are more comfortable with Hillary because they want to perpetuate the status quo.…
Wasserman Schultz Out as DNC Leader After Convention
– Wasserman Schultz appeared in public Saturday with presumptive nominee Hillary Clinton at the candidate’s first rally with Sen. … Now we’re ready for Hillary! … His spokesman Michael Briggs said the senator plans to “make it clear that Hillary Clinton is by far superior to Donald Trump on every…
Wasserman Schultz Out as Convention Chair
– removed as a convention speaker following the controversy over leaked emails that revealed how the DNC rigged the primaries to favor Hillary … convention, officials decided Saturday, as they try to placate disgruntled delegates who believe the system was rigged in favor of Hillary
Late-Night Comics Like Colbert and Maher Finding It Harder to Make Trump Seem Ridiculous
– first installment filmmaker Michael Moore brought the house down, in a bad way, with his warning that Trump could very well defeat HillaryHillary now officially on the card, our contemporary talk hosts (I include Maher’s cable show) know the candidate they must now go … Skepticism enters the picture when you remember that Colbert supports Hillary Clinton, an open-borders, sanctuary cities globalist,…
REWIND: FBI Shuts Down Russian Spy Ring for Getting Too Cozy with Hillary Clinton…an-spy-ring-for-getting-too-cozy-with-hillary-clinton-n94341
– With the Democratic Party set to officially anoint Hillary Clinton as their presidential candidate during the Democratic National … According to court documents relating to the spies’ arrest, Murphy had been in contact with a fundraiser and “personal friend” of Hillary … directed $2.35 million in contributions to the Clinton Foundation, a fact that was concealed by the Clinton Foundation despite Hillary
Christie Excoriated by Nigerian Activists for 'Flippant' #BringBackOurGirls Remarks at RNC…ivists-for-flippant-bringbackourgirls-remarks-at-rnc-n104339
– During his list of charges against Hillary Clinton, Christie told the convention that the former secretary of State “amazingly fought … Hillary Clinton, as an apologist for an al-Qaeda affiliate in Nigeria, resulting in the capture of innocent young women, is she guilty…
Gohmert: ‘I Didn’t Expect’ Trump to Let Cruz Speak at RNC
– remains concerned about the relationship between Cruz and Trump because the nation is “hanging in the balance” and cannot afford a Hillary
Wikileaked DNC Emails Contain Some Bombshells
– Of particular note is confirmation of the obvious: the DNC favored Hillary Clinton in the primaries and the staff searched for ways…
Dr. Donald and Mr. Trump
– all is said and done, I acknowledge that the most compelling reason I’ve found so far is a familiar dactyl-trochee combination: Hillary … He is a big-government progressive, a long-time donor to Democratic candidates from Hillary Clinton on down.…
Virginia High Court Strikes Down Governor's Felon Voting Order
– The ruling is a political setback to Democrats and was issued in the critical state about an hour before Hillary Clinton announced … Hillary Clinton will win or lose Virginia without the help of convicted murderers and rapists.…
'Hang Hillary’ West Virginia Lawmaker Says Tweet Was Just ‘Hyperbole’
– Michael Folk told CNN that he is sorry he committed “hyperbole” by calling for hanging Hillary Clinton as a traitor. … At first, Folk told the Charleston Gazette-Mail that he was wrong to say Hillary should be hanged, but he refused to back away from … Folk finally told CNN he was wrong to even suggest Hillary Clinton should face capital punishment.…
With Virginia in Sights, Hillary Picks Tim Kaine as Running Mate
Hillary Clinton is banking on Virginia and its 13 electoral votes to deliver the White House, and is banking on new running mate Sen … Kaine tweeted tonight: “Just got off the phone with Hillary. I’m honored to be her running mate. … “After spending last week pandering to grassroots Democrats with Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton has chosen someone who holds positions…
Trump Gets Convention Bounce, Pulls Almost Even with Hillary in Reuters/IPSOS Poll…e-pulls-almost-even-with-hillary-in-reutersipsos-poll-n44213
– Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has pulled nearly even with Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for the first time since … How Trump Can Win the General Election The fact that Hillary Clinton is a horrible human being and even worse candidate remains.…
#NeverTrump Now Means #NeverRepublican
Hillary Clinton is evil. … On schedule, Hillary Clinton has risen to her rightful place as the standard bearer for the Democratic Party. … Here’s one of the major differences between Hillary and Trump – while brimming with her own deceitfulness, Hillary doesn’t slither…
Obama: 'The World Has Never Been Less Violent'
– This, of course, was one day before Trump at the RNC blamed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton for destabilizing the world and making…
Munich Follows Cleveland
– “Hillary Clinton wants to win over Bernie Sanders voters, and on Saturday she bid for them by reinforcing her promise to rewrite the … in November to control changes to the Constitution and the Supreme Court — that is, if the populists don’t succeed in “jailing Hillary
When It Comes to Islam, Western Leaders Are Liars or Idiots
– Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton admonished us to bear in mind that “Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and…
Trump's Speech Was Good Until He Gave It
– police deaths he helped instigate, the slow economy his policies keep in place, the chaos in the Middle East to which both Obama and Hillary … And Hillary Clinton actually is Boss Tweed — or Boss Silk, since her pantsuits apparently cost around $1,400.…
Obama Hopes Americans Noticed 'Birds Were Chirping' After Trump's 'Vision of Violence and Chaos'…e-chirping-after-trumps-vision-of-violence-and-chaos-n104329
– Obama was hosting Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who extended his “greatest respect, my deepest respect” to Hillary Clinton…
Prime-Time Trump Is Finally Here
– Perhaps the greatest rhetorical artistry came with the refrain about Hillary Clinton: “Let’s,” Trump said a couple of times, lowering … But behind the smoke and mirrors I sense the lineaments of a candidate who, first, could beat Hillary Clinton (for me, a categorical…
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