Results for: hillary

Fake News Alert: 'Karen Handel' Twitter Account Is Racist
– real account describes Handel as “the courageous, common sense conservative,” while the fake account calls her “the courageous, Hillary
University Art Exhibit Features Painting of Captain America Holding President Trump's Decapitated Head…ain-america-holding-president-trumps-decapitated-head-n51259
– this month displayed a grotesque painting depicting Captain America triumphantly holding up the severed head of President Trump as Hillary
Ancient Skynet
– Books: Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. … How Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump is the tragic story of a sure thing gone off the rails.…
Chris Matthews Admitted He Voted for Hillary
– Every one of you will be shocked — SHOCKED — to hear this: Chris Matthews admitted that he voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election…
SCOTUS Case Could Allow Use of Vouchers at Religious Schools
– “This will mean good things for the school choice movement in our country,” said Hillary Byrnes, assistant general counsel of the U.S…
Sticking With Our Fearless Leader
– The man who spared Ryan and McConnell four to eight years under the heel of a far-left proxy government under Hillary Clinton is keeping…
5 Things You Need to Know About Fox News Cutting Bill O'Reilly
– boycott was being driven in large part by liberal media watchdog group Media Matters and Mary Pat Bonner, a fundraiser with ties to Hillary
Professor Lets Students Hold Anti-Trump Rally for Final Exam
– How many professors allowed instructional time to be used by kids to cry about Hillary not being elected rather than actually teaching…
Oversight Chairman Chaffetz Won't Run to Keep Seat in 2018
– In 2016, it went 47 percent for Donald Trump, 24 percent for independent challenger Evan McMullin, and 23 percent for Hillary Clinton…
Homeland Security Secretary: Congress Should Change Laws or 'Shut Up'
– This echoes one of the sticking points that President Trump kept arguing in his debates with Hillary Clinton.…
Student Punished by Title IX After Being Exonerated Attempted Suicide
– This is what happens when the pursuit of truth and justice succumbs to the Hillary Clinton-approved “women deserve to be believed”…
The Disappearance of the World
– Books: Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. … How Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump is the tragic story of a sure thing gone off the rails.…
Young Republican Trolls Clueless CBS Chicago With Famous Hillary Clinton Quote…witting-cbs-chicago-with-famous-hillary-clinton-quote-n88133
– reaction to the Trump tax marches that were held in dozens of cities nationwide today, he decided to borrow a famous quote from Hillary … They were asking about Trump's tax returns, so I quoted Hillary.…
Bill Clinton: Drug ‘Sentencing Craze’ of the ’80s was ‘Way Overdone’
– The crime bill became an issue brought up by protesters at some of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign events. … Hillary Clinton reportedly said mass incarceration was an unintended consequence of the crime bill.…
Jerry Falwell Jr. Calls Donald Trump a 'Dream President' for Evangelicals…calls-donald-trump-a-dream-president-for-evangelicals-n98158
Hillary Clinton represented an insidious threat to traditional Christianity — with her staff’s attempts to infiltrate Catholicism and…
A Note to Donald and Hillary: It's Time to Stop Fighting About the Results of the 2016 Presidential Campaign…about-the-results-of-the-2016-presidential-campaign-n185065
– As for Hillary Clinton, her recent behavior echoes Trump in her need to constantly revisit the election. … As we know, ignoring the plight of the rural areas of America and the white working class was the main reason Hillary Clinton lost. … Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton should sit down, take a deep breath, and relax.…
The Right Choice to Roll Back Dodd-Frank
– Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, contributed nearly $50,000 during the 2016 campaign with all of that money going to aid Hillary
Rep. Gowdy Says Congress May Subpoena Susan Rice
– He also told host Bill Hemmer that he doesn’t agree Hillary Clinton’s claim she lost the election because of Comey’s late October letter…
Clinton Warns of Dystopian Future Without 'Moral' Force of Planned Parenthood…pian-future-without-moral-force-of-planned-parenthood-n88394
– On Tuesday, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a rousing speech to Planned Parenthood’s 100th anniversary gala in New … Any comparison between America today and the situation in The Handmaid’s Tale is frankly absurd, and it is terrifying to see HillaryHillary Clinton Will Launch a New PAC Hillary Clinton Warns of a ‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Future…
Hillary Clinton Will Launch a New PAC
– Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will launch a political action committee (PAC) following her political loss last November … Hillary Clinton: I Was Winning Until James Comey and WikiLeaks Scared People Off  …
Hillary Clinton Warns of a 'Handmaid's Tale' Future
Hillary Clinton cited a phrase from The Handmaid’s Tale, Margaret Atwood’s dystopian feminist novel, during a Tuesday evening speech … Seeing supposed national leaders like Hillary Clinton believing that The Handmaid’s Tale is possible in America is far more terrifying…
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