Results for: hillary

Former PM Harper at AIPAC: BDS Movements Pose Greatest Threat to Israel…t-aipac-bds-movements-pose-greatest-threat-to-israel-n108286
– Both Trump and Hillary Clinton spoke last year to AIPAC, which did not endorse a candidate in the presidential election.…
Love Triumphs: Huma Abedin Giving Pervert Weiner Another Chance
– The New York Post is reporting that former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin is “working hard” on her marriage to former congressman … But sources tell The Post that Hillary Clinton’s righthand woman is now giving the marriage another try. … As his wife led Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, even more sexts were uncovered.…
Trump Handed Merkel a £300 Billion Invoice for NATO Defense
– But like Hillary Clinton’s red reset button, this little bit of symbolic theater apparently backfired.  …
Comey: FBI ‘Confused’ People Last Year, ‘We’re Not on Anybody’s Side’
– WASHINGTON –FBI Director James Comey said the FBI “did a lot last year that confused people” with announcements about their Hillary … “When Jim Comey came out, he saved Hillary Clinton. He saved her life,” Trump said in a Fox Business Network interview this week. … Trump also said Comey was “very, very good to Hillary Clinton. That I can tell you.…
Colleges Spent $60 Million Defending Against Title IX Assault Investigations…ion-defending-against-title-ix-assault-investigations-n51176
– attacking females for what they wore or for how they behaved prior to being raped was a dark time — ask the victim who had to face Hillary
6 Ways to Make Mom Friends (and One Terrible One)
– believe or who I am, but these days it’s more likely that if you are a conservative and you get outed in front of a blue-state, Hillary-loving … for some adult conversation at a local park or something and we could swipe if she seems normal and unlikely to freak out over a “Hillary
Spicer Is Criticized for Stating a Fact About Hitler
– Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, wrote on Twitter that she hopes Spicer “takes…
The Top Ten Most Popular Governors in the U.S. Are All Republicans
– Interestingly, the top two governors are Republicans in blue states that Hillary Clinton won: Massachusetts’ Charlie Baker (with a … Both states voted for Hillary Clinton.…
Eric Trump: Ivanka Convinced President Trump to Strike Syria
– campaign last year, and following reports that the foreign country had hacked the Democratic National Committee and targeted the Hillary
Joe Scarborough: 'Could Have Gotten John Lennon and Jesus on This Show Easier Than We Got Hillary Clinton'…jesus-on-this-show-easier-than-we-got-hillary-clinton-n88089
– Joe Scarborough, of MSNBC’s Morning Joe, said it was Hillary Clinton’s reserved nature that kept her from success in the 2016 election … had Donald Trump on the program, but that “we seriously could have gotten John Lennon and Jesus on this show easier than we got Hillary
After Syrian Gassing, Trump Must Expose the Iran Deal
Hillary Clinton is ‘not going away,’ but Juanita Broaddrick just had a bigger weekend on Twitter than Madam not-President.…
Trump's Conundrum: What Policy Will He Adopt After the Bombing?
Hillary Clinton was most supportive, probably feeling that Trump had done just what she would have had she won the election.…
Report: Trump Expects to Appoint Five Justices to Supreme Court
– The choice was clear: It was either that or eight years of Hillary Clinton’s horrendous, radical picks.…
CNN Narrative Fail: Syrian Refugee Slams Clinton, Obama; Praises Trump
– She then queued up a clip of none other than Hillary Clinton weighing in on Trump’s dastardly travel ban at an event earlier this year … Kassem proceeded to tear into bleeding-heart liberals like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for being more concerned with sending Syrians…
The Wrong Problem
– He’s joined there by Hillary Clinton whose exhortation to bomb Syrian airfields is reprised by Reuters, though doubtless she will be…
Even CNN Is Giving Trump Kudos for the Syria Attack
– And Baldwin suggested that the military action had support from both sides of the aisle, even citing Hillary Clinton as an example…
Trump Schools Obama and Democrats with Attack on Assad
– If there was any colluding going on, it was between Obama and the Russians, not to mention Hillary and Kerry, over a number of years…
BAT Tax, Intended to Help U.S. Manufacturers, Would Actually Hurt Them, Study Finds…s-manufacturers-would-actually-hurt-them-study-finds-n51103
– The fact that New Jersey, Illinois, and California — three states Hillary Clinton handily won in November — are among the 10 most effected…
Harvard Students Launch 'Resistance School'
– going on here: Democrats, or more to truth progressives and socialists-in-training, are just ticked to high heaven their beloved Hillary
The New Pecking Order: Muslims Over Gays
– Dave, as it happens, is a Manhattan liberal who voted for Hillary Clinton, despises Donald Trump, and thinks Le Pen is a fascist.…
Near 100 Days, Trump's Biggest Problem GOP, Not Dems
– buried in those latest “record low” polls being trumpeted on the Sunday shows is the fascinating fact that Trump would now beat Hillary
Newsflash: If Vote Were Held Today, Trump Still Beats Clinton
– the least popular president in modern times,” waits until the second to last paragraph to reveal another tidbit: He’d still beat Hillary … right thing to do.When asked if they would vote for him again, 96 percent say they would, which is higher than the 85 percent of Hillary
Trump vs. Obama: A Study in Contrasts
– Chris Matthews Admitted He Voted for Hillary If so, consider next the way that the media treats Donald Trump.  …
The crisis sends in its calling card
– Until the very last moment Hillary could not accept that the man with the orange complexion could beat her. … Books: Shattered: Inside Hillary Clinton’s Doomed Campaign, by Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes. … How Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election to Donald Trump is the tragic story of a sure thing gone off the rails.…
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