Results for: the daily caller

New Movie Claims Google Handed the Popular Vote to Hillary Clinton in 2016…le-handed-the-popular-vote-to-hillary-clinton-in-2016-n61052
– When Donald Trump surprised the world by winning the 2016 election, liberals clung to the idea that his victory was illegitimate because … For questions like, “What is the capital of France?” the correct answer, “Paris,” comes to the top. … Shortly after that, the Daily Caller released a video of Google executives lamenting Trump’s victory.…
The Morning Briefing: Presumed Guilty Until Proven Guilty and Much, Much More…resumed-guilty-until-proven-guilty-and-much-much-more-n61019
– ACCUSER has revealed the terms under which the accuser will testify before the Senate. … What’s the point of having control if the Democrats are still calling the shots? … by The Daily Caller News Foundation.…
Kirsten Gillibrand Says Republicans Are 'Bullying' Kavanaugh Accuser Into Testifying on Monday…bullying-kavanaugh-accuser-into-testifying-on-monday-n91540
– process in a series of meetings since he was first nominated,” The Daily Caller reported. … The group claims it plans to spend $700K on the ad. … the accuser testify so the issue can be dealt with speedily.…
Will the 'Brett Bounce' Unseat Bob Menendez in New Jersey?
– Brett Kavanaugh, have, at least for now, closed the voter enthusiasm gap for the upcoming November midterm elections—called the “Brett … The prostitution claims, first reported by The Daily Caller in 2012, suggested Menendez and his co-defendant on bribery charges, eye … . _____ Matt Margolis is the author of the book, The Scandalous Presidency of Barack Obama and the bestselling book The Worst President…
Congress Forces Transparency with Pause in Amazon Cloud Computing Contract…parency-with-pause-in-amazon-cloud-computing-contract-n61274
– Both Vanity Fair and The Daily Caller reported in August that this process has been rigged in favor of Amazon. … Congress has the power over spending and, the executive branch, where the powers are enumerated in Article II, executes the spending … The Obama Administration was stung by the infamous alternative energy grant to the bankrupt company Solyndra.…
Third Kavanaugh Accuser Sued by Former Employer for Sexually Harassing Two Male Colleagues…r-sued-her-for-sexually-harassing-two-male-colleagues-n61198
The Daily Caller reports: WebTrends voluntarily dismissed its suit after one month. … Avenatti told The Daily Caller News Foundation that the case was ended because it was “completely bogus.” … she had made, she “remarkably” walked back the allegations, according to the complaint.…
Senator Cory Booker Can't Shake His Own Lurid Sexual Misconduct Allegations…ant-shake-his-own-lurid-sexual-misconduct-allegations-n61188
– Columns detailing his misconduct, written by Booker in the student-run Stanford Daily newspaper in 1992, were first unearthed by theDaily Caller in 2013. … “Based on that Stanford Daily column, Booker should be giving Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt as well.…
11 Freakiest Things About Arizona Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema
– Protested the Iraq War in a tutu Fact-checking the "Fact Checkers." … — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 12, 2018 7. … The Sinema campaign would not say why she invited the witches or clarify why she thought members of the occult deserved a seat at the
Multiple Republican Offices Across the Country Vandalized by Unhinged Leftists…es-across-the-country-vandalized-by-unhinged-leftists-n61473
– In New York City last night, the GOP headquarters at the Metropolitan Republican Club on the upper east side of Manhattan was vandalized … “with broken windows, a spray-painted anarchy sign, and a threatening message that the ‘attack is merely a beginning,'” the DailyCaller reported.…
AU Students Organize ‘Safe Space’ Away From Due Process Lecture
– During the lecture, Daily Caller editor Amber Athey intends to explore issues including “how to preserve due process in the age of … As highlighted in the new book “The Coddling of the American Mind,” the most well-known safe space was organized by Brown University … “We must balance the desire for justice from sexual assault victims with the rights of the accused.…
Arizona Democrat Kyrsten Sinema Calls Stay-at-Home Moms 'Leeches'
– Kyrsten Sinema Once Called Stay-At-Home Moms ‘Leeches’ — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller … And Sarrah Le Marquand from The Daily Telegraph audaciously suggests that “we should make it a legal requirement that all parents of … But the idea that, because women didn’t have the opportunity to work outside the home in the past, now all women must work outside…
Pelosi Hounded by Protesters Screaming 'Communist!' at Event for Donna Shalala
– at the House minority leader. … But it’s the rest of the protesters there who need a talking to. Daily Caller: “This is wrong. … There’s not much leadership on the civility issue from either side, so it should be up to the rest of us to pull back from the brink…
Reporter Leaves Obscene Voicemail for Michigan Republican Senate Candidate John James…l-for-michigan-republican-senate-candidate-john-james-n43006
– Brenda Battel, a reporter for the Huron Daily Tribune, left the crude message at James’s campaign office phone number Monday afternoon … I’m a reporter with the Huron Daily Tribune in Bad Axe, Michigan,” Battel said in the voicemail. … Tori Sachs, James’s campaign manager, issued the following statement to The Daily Caller: “It shows you that some media will do anything…
The Plot Thickens in Georgia as Investigation into Dem Hacking Picks Up Steam…rgia-as-investigation-into-dem-hacking-picks-up-steam-n42999
the Democratic Party of Georgia on the evening of Saturday, November 3, 2018,” the secretary’s office said in a statement. … the email. … morning of Nov. 15, several days after the election,” the Daily Caller reported: He further alleged that the event began as far…
Brooklyn Synagogue Vandal a Black Democratic Activist and Former City Hall Intern…black-democratic-activist-and-former-city-hall-intern-n61912
– Andrew Cuomo directed the Hate Crimes Task Force to investigate, releasing the following statement: “I am disgusted by the discovery … extent of the law. … The Daily Caller points out that Polite was a known quantity in New York City: A year ago, The New York Times profiled Polite, noting…
Will There Ever Be Peace Between Trump Fans and Jim Acosta?
– We all remember when the president of the United States was mean to him: And that time the White House press secretary was mean … Now, I’m old enough to remember when my Daily Caller colleague Neil Munro tried to ask the president a question, and it became a national … Neil Munro was berated by supporters of the president too, but the difference was that they were all in the press corps.…
Report: NeverTrumper Bill Kristol Gets Funding from Left-Wing Billionaire…bill-kristol-gets-funding-from-left-wing-billionaire-n62114
– Conservatives have long wondered where noted NeverTrumper Bill Kristol, the editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard, was getting the … pray will lead to the impeachment and removal of the president. … It will not come as a surprise that Omidyar has also bankrolled Evan McMullin’s anti-Trump activities, as the Daily Caller reported…
Twitter Suspends 'Smash Racism' Account after Tucker Protest, But What About 'Antifa Prof.' Mike Isaacson?…cker-protest-but-what-about-antifa-prof-mike-isaacson-n62002
– at the US border! … Wahhh I can't leave my kids at home while I callously brush off the murder of another black child at the hands of the police! … Via The Daily Caller: Isaacson wrote that he hasn’t worked with Smash Racism DC for three years, but he wrote that he “probably should…
The Media’s Blatant Hypocrisy in Defending Jim Acosta
The US Secret Service just asked for my credential to enter the WH. As I told the officer, I don’t blame him. … Let’s go back to a press conference in June 2012 when a reporter from The Daily Caller, a conservative news site, merely interrupted … The Daily Mail called the reporter a “heckler.”…
Angry Mob Targets Tucker Carlson's Private Residence
– Within a month, I’d moved to Washington, D.C. and was there for the launch of the Daily Caller on January 11, 2010. … Peter Hasson, writing at my old haunt, the Daily Caller: A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday … Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the angry crowd showed…
For a Moment, It's No Longer 1933—or 2009—at MSNBC
– “No, the president should do what’s right,” King said, adding that many people in the intelligence and military communities agree that … “But you’re elected by the American people, you serve the American people,” Roberts protested. … ” —”‘Incredibly Absurd’: Peter King Scoffs At MSNBC’s Thomas Roberts’ Strange Iraq Logic,” Brendan Bordelon, the Daily Caller, today…
Democrat Operatives Rearrange Deck Chairs at NBC
– , Jim Treacher asks at the Daily Caller: Awful news from noted neat freak Mike Allen at Politico: Chuck Todd, a political obsessive … and rabid sports fan, is the likely successor to David Gregory as moderator of “Meet the Press,” with the change expected to be announced … adrift since the death in 2008 of the irreplaceable Tim Russert… Gregory’s next move is unknown, but he’s unlikely to remain at…
6 Ugly Signs of Resurgent Worldwide Antisemitism
the Jews, reminding his audience of several of the enormities ascribed to them in the Qur’an, and then prayer: Oh Allah, bring upon … Determining that the caller and his mother were Jewish, the doctor shouted: “I will not come! … The Daily Mail reported that “304 anti-Semitic incidents were reported in the UK between January and June – a 36 per cent rise compared…
You've Got a Right, To Fight, For Your Government Dependence!
– Ahh, the catty wars of the distaff Democrat newsreaders. … “Couric Accused Sawyer Of Trading Head For Headlines,” the Daily Caller quips, quoting from the err, juiciest detail from Sheila Weller … The Daily Beast published some highlights, and perhaps the most shocking is how Katie Couric and Diane Sawyer allegedly fought for…
Harry Reid's Latest Racist Gaffe
– Harry Reid Launches Racist Jokes Before Asian Audience,” as spotted by Bryan Preston at the PJ Tatler: The Daily Caller has a story … He sought the Asian Chamber’s endorsement for Democrat Lucy Flores. But the Chamber backed Republican Mark Hutchison instead. … The GOP now has a way to nationalize this fall’s elections: Give us back the Senate, and move unrepentant racist Harry Reid to the
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