Results for: the daily caller

428,000 Jobs Added in April and Why That's Very Bad News
The April jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics should cheer the Biden administration and its supporters. … Despite the high number of jobs created, the unemployment rate remained the same, as did the number of unemployed. … Daily Caller: “The labor market continues to barrel along,” Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, told CNBC.…
Rubio Goes After Corporations that Pay Abortion, Children's 'Gender Affirmation' Expenses for Employees…expenses-childrens-gender-affirmation-for-employees-n1595379
Daily Caller: “Public policy should be used to strengthen families, not woke executives. … That will be the argument, anyway. … The biggest change to the law with the passage of the ARP was the removal of an income threshold for those who receive the funds, which…
Will a New Republican Majority Actually — Finally — Walk the Talk?
– If there is anything most clearly barred by the First Amendment to the federal government, it is the authority to create an obscure … majority in the House and, quite possibly, also the Senate. … Johnson made this statement to the Daily Caller, which on Tuesday exclusively reported his introduction of an as-yet-unnamed bill to…
Getting Arrested for Using the Wrong Pronouns? It’s Coming to America…for-using-the-wrong-pronouns-its-coming-to-america-n1602011
– Despite becoming en vogue only recently, the trans movement is so desperate for the masses to affirm the delusions that men can become … The so-called victim had switched the grammatically incorrect pronouns “they/them” only a month before the incident. … “The lawyers for the accused 8th-grade boys in Wisconsin are correct that the law is on their side,” explains the Daily Caller, but…
I’m Convinced Democrats Want More School Shootings. Here’s Why.
– On Thursday, mere days after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the California State Senate voted to repeal … The law was endorsed by ACLU California Action, which claims that the requirement disproportionately affected minorities. … Steven Bradford, a Democrat, told the Daily Caller.…
Can’t We All Just Admit Gun Control Doesn’t Work?
the oft-repeated claim that the 1994 “assault weapons” ban succeeded in reducing mass shootings, and saying that when the law expired … Surprisingly, Amber Phillips of the Washington Post conceded the point in Thursday’s issue of the paper’s newsletter, The 5-Minute … Related: No Gun Control Proposal Would Have Prevented Tuesday’s Tragedy in Uvalde The Daily Caller points out that the Washington…
The Shootings You Don’t Hear About Because They Don’t Fit the Narrative™…dont-hear-about-because-they-dont-fit-the-narrative-n1601287
– This shooting didn’t fit The Narrative™ either. The mastermind of the shooting was the transgender student. … two people and injured two others on Feb. 20, 2021,” explains the Daily Caller. … There’s always a desire by the media to make guns the problem.…
Shattering the Myth That the U.S. Has More Mass Shootings Than Anywhere Else…the-u-s-has-more-mass-shootings-than-anywhere-else-n1601107
– One of the common arguments that the left makes is the assertion — always uncontested and never backed up with facts — that the U.S … Andrew Follett of the Club for Growth, National Review, and The Daily Caller published a tweet thread on Wednesday, and it’s positively … But The Narrative lays the blame for gun violence at the feet of Republicans. Related: UVALDE: Where the Hell Were the Police?…
Did Biden Just Provoke Another International Crisis?…s-promise-to-react-militarily-to-chinese-aggression-n1600052
– a commitment to Taiwan that the U.S. has not made in the past.” … “As the President said, our policy has not changed,” a White House official said according to a Daily Caller report. … to the situation across the Taiwan Strait and China-US relations.”…
Do We Deserve a Service as Awesome as Uber?
The Daily Caller recently expounded on how Sanders “does NOT like Uber.” … The Daily Caller expounds: Unions have been some of the more adamant rivals of [the sharing economy]. … v=qvsPXKJe05Q It’s the politics of stagnation. Keep things the way they are, maintain the status quo through the force of law.…
Going Concern
– Chuck Ross of the Daily Caller is tormented by this particular mystery: “If Hillary’s Server Was ‘Blank,’ Why Was It Kept At A Data … server posited by Ross of the Daily Caller actually exists. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
When Is Donald Trump Going to Release His College Transcripts?
– He uses the insults to try to prove to himself that he is the equal of the mostly accomplished men and women who are running for the … As the Daily Caller pointed out in an article last month, Trump is oblivious to the hypocrisy of his refusal to release his college … Asked by The Daily Caller if Trump was willing to release his college records before he officially entered the race for the White House…
Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
– Affordable Care Act, according to an investigation by The Daily Caller News Foundation. … The important thing, as ever, remains getting the money to Washington. … The levy will continue to go up each and every year into the future.…
Report: John Boehner Calls Ted Cruz a ‘Jackass’ at Fundraiser
– According to the Daily Caller, Speaker Boehner broke Reagan’s 11th Commandment big time at a GOP fundraiser in Colorado Wednesday … He has “intentionally stuck his finger in the eye of the Republican leadership in the House,” as the Washington Post’s Chris Cillizza … That’s a good plan, given the electorate’s current disgust with the status quo.…
University of WI Community Relations Director to Cops: Leave Shoplifters Alone! (Video)…relations-dir-to-cops-leave-shoplifters-alone-video-n202653
The director of community relations at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was recently caught on camera during a roundtable conversation … Via The Daily Caller: “I just don’t think that they should be prosecuting cases … for people who steal from Wal-Mart. … and the West Towne Mall, and the Wal-Marts and Targets, that’s where crime is happening, that’s why we have to focus so much’ … they…
Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
The Daily Caller has a tough-but-fair appraisal of the massive health insurance overhaul: Accepting that subsidizing health care … the big bad insurance companies to do the right thing. … The less well off benefit, but so do a whole lot of other interests who managed to influence the hastily drafted act.…
It's On in Iowa: Donald Trump Attacks 'Manager of One or Two Nurses' Ben Carson…umps-attacks-manager-of-one-or-two-nurses-ben-carson-n202790
The two are now tied with 23%. … In an interview with the Daily Caller, the billionaire businessman blasted the neurosurgeon for lacking the experience necessary to … The only question is who? The soft-spoken, but brilliant neurosurgeon, or the rude billionaire businessman?…
Threats from Black Militants Put Law Enforcement on High Alert for 9/11…for-911-attacks-following-threats-by-black-militants-n202874
– Several BOLO — “Be On Look Out” — warnings exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller went out to state and municipal law enforcement … According to the Daily Caller, one of the BOLO alerts calls for states to heighten security measures to protect officers from violence … departments,” the caller said in a message left Sunday evening.…
Conservative Black Teen's Story About Being Blocked by POTUS on Twitter Apparently a Hoax…story-about-being-blocked-by-potus-apparently-a-hoax-n203132
The 13-year-old black conservative boy who claimed that he had been blocked on Twitter by the president may not be telling the truth … On Wednesday, when Pearson tweeted a screenshot of @BarackObama blocking his account, the story attracted the attention of the Drudge … report, Twitchy, the Daily Caller and several other conservative news outlets including PJ Media.…
Scientists Ask Obama to Prosecute Global Warming Skeptics
Daily Caller: Scientists from several universities and research centers even asked Obama to use the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt … “In 1999, the Justice Department filed a civil RICO lawsuit against the major tobacco companies… alleging that the companies ‘engaged … done,” the scientists added.…
Hillary Supports Restrictions on Abortion at 'the Very End of 3rd Trimester' (Video)…s-on-abortion-at-the-very-end-of-3rd-trimester-video-n203161
– any limits on abortion, but she finally settled on a position during her interview with “MTP Daily” host Chuck Todd in the first segment … At the very end of the third trimester, the fully developed baby has dropped and is headed toward the birth canal. … A number of conservative outlets such as Twitchy, the Daily Caller, Breitbart, and Red State have flagged Clinton’s horrendous answer…
Clinton Email Names Top CIA Source in Libya
Daily Caller: “She is exposing the name of a guy who has a clandestine relationship with the CIA on her private, unprotected server … last month — into the public domain within the next few days. … owdy asserts in his letter that the redacted information in the email was “the name of a human source” and that it is “some of the
She Lies Great!
– v=-iWJCOHJ-BA Mark Tapscott is onto something over at the Daily Caller. … lied about the causes of the attack (emails documenting that she told her daughter Chelsea and the Egyptian prime minister that the … But the tribunal had before it a woman who would not confess transgression and who defied the flame.…
The Morning Briefing: It's SCOTUS Showtime in the Senate and Much, Much More…its-scotus-showtime-in-the-senate-and-much-much-more-n61145
– Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: The president meets with the United States Mission to the United Nations President … The president participates in a dinner with supporters Today is the big day So many developments in the Kavanaugh case yesterday … Benny Johnson at The Daily Caller points out that the NYT was unable to verify this lady’s claims. “None of Ms.…
American Muslim Leader Announces Meetings with Turkish, Iranian Dictators…er-announces-meetings-with-turkish-iranian-dictators-n100684
– , and the dictators of Turkey and Iran. … the crackdown. … Caller (@DailyCaller) June 8, 2012 State Department spokesman Jeff Rathke was promptly dispatched to denounce the UAE’s designation…
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