Results for: hillary

'Radical Feminist' Gov. Kate Brown—the Soros Limousine Liberal's Favorite Trump Enemy…own-the-soros-limousine-liberals-favorite-trump-enemy-n50211
– Capitol Mall during the Women’s March there, donning a pink pussyhat and delivering the kind of speech that many had dreamed of Hillary
Ivanka Trump Weighs In on Lady Gaga's Super Bowl Performance
– spectrum, with Florida Senator Marco Rubio tweeting “one of the best #SuperBowl shows I can remember,” and former Secretary of State Hillary
An Arsonist as Fire Chief at the State Department?
– Almost without exception, they backed Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in the belief that Clinton would pursue Utopian globalism.…
What's Behind the Accusations that Trump is Anti-Semitic?
Hillary Clinton — she of the “Suha kiss” — jumped on Trump for being tardy in his condemnation.  …
16 HILARIOUS 'America First, My Country Second' Trump Satire Videos
– Also, the bit about the $12 million loan to Hillary Clinton being intended for Hillary Duff — brilliant! 11. Denmark. … Hillary Clinton Destroys Computer in New Cruz ‘Office Space’ Ad   10. Luxembourg.…
Kid Rock’s Name Floated as GOP Senate Candidate
– “I feel like a lot of people, whether you’re a Democrat or a Republican, feel like if you get Hillary or Bernie, or you get Rubio or … Nugent wrote on his Facebook page in January 2016 that then-President Obama and Hillary Clinton should be “tried for treason and hung…
Hillary's Sore Loser Campaign Manager Still Blames James Comey for Their Loss…paign-manager-still-blames-james-comey-for-their-loss-n87596
– As we’ve discussed time and again, Hillary Clinton didn’t have a winning campaign even without DNC hacking or Russian interference…
Former Clinton Adviser: Democratic Party’s ‘Technocratic Speak’ Turning Off Voters…mocratic-partys-technocratic-speak-turning-off-voters-n42539
– WASHINGTON – Alec Ross, a former senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, said the Democratic presidential campaign’s ideas were not “digestible…
All Dare Call It Treason
– declaring that Trump is a traitor, or that Flynn is a traitor, along with plenty of people still saying the Obama is a traitor and Hillary
McConnell: Trump Agenda Like What Presidents Romney, Rubio or Jeb Would Have Done…what-presidents-romney-rubio-or-jeb-would-have-done-n107447
– I’ve got no problem with it,” he added, later noting that “if Hillary Clinton had been elected president and Chuck Schumer were the…
Trump's 'Nuke the Moon' Image Works
– Impeach Trump and Pence, get Hillary and Ryan to run against each other, ?????????, President Clinton. … In fact, I only decided to vote for him the week before the election, and only because knowing what I did about Hillary, I thought … it was likely that a Hillary win would be a boulder rolled over the grave of the republic.…
'Scandal' Star Scott Foley Laments 'This. Is. Our. President.' Liberal Twitter Pounces…aments-this-is-our-president-liberal-twitter-pounces-n166588
– At the time, Foley said he agreed with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s message the most, but found Senator Bernie Sanders…
The Media Bulls Have Met Their Matador in Trump
– Trump looked out at his audience and said (paraphrasing) “Does anyone seriously believe I wouldn’t be more tough on Putin than Hillary
General Flynn and Colonel Mustard: Let's Piece Together Clues About the Leak…onel-mustard-lets-piece-together-clues-about-the-leak-n50356
– This is the same chapter that would have been used to indict Hillary Clinton if she hadn’t had friends in high places.…
Scarlett Johansson to Playboy: 'I Don't Think It's Natural to be Monogamous'…to-playboy-i-dont-think-its-natural-to-be-monogamous-n166550
– In the Playboy interview, the actress also mentioned the election (she campaigned for Barack Obama twice and for Hillary Clinton in … And it’s Hillary Clinton; that’s so cool, and we’re good.'”…
Michigan Governor’s Race Could Turn on Trump
– Schuette told WLUC-TV in June 2016 that he had decided to back Trump because he didn’t want to “turn the keys to America over to Hillary
The Empire Strikes Back
– Plus, Hillary is unbeatable, so give up already. Oops — Trump wins. The Russians stole the election.…
House Conservatives Back Investigation to Get 'Full Understanding' of Flynn Call…nvestigation-to-get-full-understanding-of-flynn-call-n107358
– a peep about it when the president of the United States said that he would have more flexibility when he won re-election, when Hillary
WATCH: 'Armenia Alternative First' Fake Ad Is the Most Hilarious Trump Satire Yet…first-fake-ad-is-the-most-hilarious-trump-satire-yet-n166502
Hillary Clinton Destroys Computer in New Cruz ‘Office Space’ Ad “We also border with Turkey, not the bird, but the country,” the…
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