Results for: hillary

'NYT: Hillary Conducted Official State Business on Her Private Email Account — All of It'
– Why, it’s not like Hillary is some sort of paranoid secretive character out of 1984, is she? … In 2007 the Democratic electorate was told, point-blank, You do not have to ‘settle’ for Hillary Clinton. … So Hillary Clinton can’t run on being opposed to Obama’s policies, because she helped implement them**.  …
You've Got a Friend
– Trust Betrayed: Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and the Selling Out of America’s National Security [Kindle Edition] Did you know…
Shadow of a Doubt: Clinton Official Portrait Contains Reference to Lewinsky Scandal
Hillary Rodham Clinton and him were revealed, Monday, April 24, 2006, at the Smithsonian Castle Building in Washington. … If not sometime between now and 2017, assuming Hillary gets in, either the painting will be quietly airbrushed Stalin-style, or it…
Seven Reasons Why We Really Hate the Media
Hillary Clinton’s protectors cast us as bloodthirsty raptors intent on finding flaw where none exists.…
O'Malley Turning Heads in Iowa
– Blue Dinner” on Friday and showed those present that he is a serious candidate for president no matter what the polls say about Hillary … In the end, that might be the best thing that O’Malley — and anyone else who challenges Hillary — has going for them in the campaign…
More Trouble for Hillary's Slush Fund as Haitians Protest Clinton 'Foundation'…ys-slush-fund-as-haitians-protest-clinton-foundation-n199583
– They believe that this was done for favors that Hillary was doing for the foreign governments while she was Secretary of State.…
Clinton's Opacity Pledge
– (AP Photo) Despite transparency promises in 2008 from SecState nominee Hillary Clinton to reveal Clinton Foundation donors, but that … Hillary Clinton belongs in jail.…
Springtime for Hillary
Hillary Clinton wants to send all Americans back to camp because they are not having enough fun. … The amount of crazy schemes and cover-ups to emerge from Team Hillary will dwarf the Blogosphere, especially since the MSM will be … Exit question: Has Hillary nailed down the name for her camps yet?…
Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah
– — Stephen Green (@VodkaPundit) March 19, 2015 An idea whose time will hopefully never come: Hillary Rodham Clinton says the nation … Hillary Clinton belongs behind bars, not working as the nation’s grownup C.I.T.…
Required Reading
– Finally spotted on 3/19/2015(AP photo) Peggy Noonan explains what makes Democrats nervous these days: Without Hillary the party … Hillary, to the general public, comes across as centrist. … Still, Hillary belongs in jail, not in the White House.…
Just in Time to Torpedo 'Hillary 2016,' Look Who's Back!
– None other than Monica Lewinsky, who obviously figures that if Hillary! … can resurrect the nineties, so can she, via the pages of the increasingly anti-Hillary New York Times: Monica Lewinsky was sitting … And then remember why there’s no way in hell we want a choice between Hillary! and Jeb Bush.…
Today's Best Fiction: 'How Hillary Can Win Big'
– The most obvious is that the author is describing a Hillary Clinton who simply doesn’t exist. The presumption that Mrs. … Hillary Clinton was elected to the Senate while there were still a lot of warm, fuzzy feelings for Bill Clinton floating around in … Hillary won’t get a lot of help from that.…
American Tragedy: The Reality of a Hillary Clinton Presidency
– Imagine if Hillary Clinton wins the presidency in 2016. What would it actually be like? … So as one who once was a Democrat, I implore the Democratic Party to do anything possible to avoid nominating Hillary Clinton. … A Hillary Clinton presidency would place that in serious jeopardy. It may already be too late.…
Pelosi: Boehner Just Wants to Investigate Hillary, 'Her Emails or Her Hair or Whatever'…vestigate-hillary-her-emails-or-her-hair-or-whatever-n199542
– House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says House Speaker John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) call for former Secretary of State Hillary … “And as — I think we’re going to just see an ongoing to investigate Hillary Clinton, whatever the subject, whether it’s her emails … However, “it’s a mistake for those committees to continue a political investigation of Hillary Clinton, whatever.”…
Poll: Many Democrats Want Independent Probe of Hillary's Email Scandal…ats-want-independent-probe-of-hillarys-email-scandal-n199540
– Democrats’ support is softening for Hillary Clinton, their party’s presumed 2016 presidential front-runner, with many favoring an independent…
Can You Hear Me Now, Beijing?
– This is what “convenience” buys a Secretary of State: The personal BlackBerry that Hillary Clinton used as secretary of state was…
Where's Hillary?
– The once and future (?) presidential contender isn’t just missing from her own scandal — she’s missing from the campaign trail: As Clinton slow-walks her way into the 2016 presidential race, many of the Democratic front-runner’s most active supporters are concerned that she’s not yet doing the kind of...
Could Boko Haram be Hillary Clinton's Biggest Scandal?
– One senator wants to know if former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton deleted her emails regarding the very delayed designation of … In June of last year, Vitter questioned why the State Department, under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, “misled” Congress … Corallo said Chagoury “has had no contact with Hillary Clinton for years – predating her time as a U.S. senator.”…
Hillary Supporters Force Little Girls to Shill for Bill as First Lady in 2016…little-girls-to-shill-for-bill-as-first-lady-in-2016-n199517
– Get your vomit bags out before watching this shameful attempt at brainwashing the next generation into thinking Hillary Clinton … YouTube account “Bill for First Lady 2016” has released a campaign spot featuring a series of little girls rhyming 5 reasons why Hillary
This Is Why Weak-Willed Scott Walker Is Not the Right Man for the Job…willed-scott-walker-is-not-the-right-man-for-the-job-n199514
– As I explained last week, Republicans need to nominate a warrior if they want to defeat Hillary Clinton next year.… Open to Spoofing Attacks
– And the hits just keep coming: Hillary Clinton didn’t take a basic precaution with her personal e-mail system to prevent hackers … Hillary Clinton belongs behind bars.…
Comment(s) of the Day
– So did Hillary enter a chaotic, scofflaw department and leave it in the same or worse shape than she found it? … That’s Hillary being an aggressive problem-solver?…
Let's Make a Plea Deal
– Yesterday’s report was that Hillary Clinton would have had to have signed the OF-109 separation form in order to be in legal trouble…
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