Results for: hillary

How My Husband and I Are Talking to Our Kids About This Election…nd-and-i-are-talking-to-our-kids-about-this-election-n106005
– And now my dinner conversations involve names like Donald and Hillary. … “I still think we should vote for Hillary,” says Tyler. “Why?” … I think Trump is absurd and Hillary raises some question marks.…
Supreme Court Split Keeps Obama's Immigration Plans Stalled
– One person who wants to fill that Supreme Court vacancy, Hillary Clinton, called the decision “purely procedural and casts no doubt…
Trump Announces His Running Mate ... Little Donald!
– Aiello, or “little Donald,” gained fame by giving a “yuge” impression, not just of Trump, but of Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders…
Will 'Trump Family Values' Save Donald's Campaign?
– It hasn’t just been the excellently written and delivered speech Trump made Wednesday morning skewering Hillary Clinton’s endless morass…
Young Voters Are Shocked to Hear Hillary's Scandals
– campus to see if these young voters could guess which major candidate said or did each of these scandalous things, Donald Trump or Hillary … And, check out when PJTV asked a bunch of college students if they could name a single Hillary accomplishment… Click to page 2>>>>>…
Report: Key Security Features Were Temporarily Disabled on Clinton's Email Server…es-were-temporarily-disabled-on-clintons-email-server-n46905
– New emails released Wednesday reinforce the public perception that Hillary Clinton cannot be trusted because her unsecure email system … government’s own systems in December of 2010 to mitigate  a serious technical problem that affected emails from then-Secretary Hillary … If this story pans out, Hillary Clinton should be finished as a candidate.…
Warren Hitting Campaign Trail Against 'Looniest of the Right-Wing Lunatics'…ign-trail-against-looniest-of-the-right-wing-lunatics-n44142
– Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) heads to swing state Ohio on Monday to campaign with Hillary Clinton. … with grace and determination — and no matter how many punches she took, each time she came out fighting stronger,” Warren said of Hillary … “So here’s the deal: Hillary is smart as a whip, and she’s a tough cookie.…
Democrats Shouldn't Be So Quick to Throw Out 5th Amendment While Hillary Is the Nominee…throw-out-5th-amendment-while-hillary-is-the-nominee-n46903
– On the same day that House Democrats are staging a pants-wetting tantrum sit-in aimed at stripping away due process, Hillary Clinton … Hillary Clinton IT specialist Bryan Pagliano invoked the Fifth more than 125 times during a 90-minute, closed-door deposition Wednesday…
Marco Rubio Announces Florida Senate Re-election Campaign
– If it’s Hillary Clinton, you know we’re going to have four more years of the same failed economic policies, for more years of the same…
Was Trump's Would-Be Assassin Inspired by a 'Climate of Hate'?
– Would the media be this curiously disinterested if the assassination attempt had been on Hillary Clinton?…
A Strategy for Discussing Hillary With a Liberal
– How to Discuss Hillary with a Liberal LifeZette's guide to discussing Hillary with a liberal: Posted by LifeZette on Tuesday…
Nearly HALF the GOP Wants the Convention to Ditch The Donald
– With recent reports that Trump has failed to set up a competitive presidential campaign — falling far below Hillary Clinton in staffing … Even with his many weaknesses, he is only losing to Hillary by small margins in swing state polls, suggesting — as the Washington Examiner…
What Mike Dukakis Could Teach Donald Trump About Winning
– But now that Hillary Clinton has secured the Dem nod, #StopHillary trumps #NeverTrump, so I fully expect to vote for Trump. … If by some miracle President Obama’s wholly politicized “Justice” Department should actually indict Hillary for her obvious crimes, … The short version is that Trump has raised very little money, has even less in the bank (Hillary beats him 32-to-1 in cash on hand…
The 12 Most Ridiculous #TrumpSoPoor Tweets -- and What They Mean
– As reports came in that Hillary Clinton has raised (at least) $16 million more than Donald Trump, people on social media emphasized … Hillary claims to be dead broke but is filthy rich. Trump claims to be filthy rich but is dead broke. Sad!…
Trump on Empty War Chest: 'May Be Better Off Winning It the Opposite Way'…r-chest-may-be-better-off-winning-it-the-opposite-way-n44138
Hillary Clinton’s campaign went into June with $42,461,785.99 cash on hand, according to her end-of-May Federal Election Commission … I understand it far better than Hillary and I’m way up on the economy when it comes to questions on the economy,” Trump said in a phone … Hillary Clinton has poor judgment. I hope she picks a vice presidential candidate with good.…
The Primaries Are Over. Why Haven't the 2016 Oddities Stopped?
– Trump has about 30 people on his campaign payroll; Hillary has more than 700. … He refuses to court GOP donors; Hillary is on track to collar $1.2 billion for the campaign. … Now that it seems to be down to him and Hillary, they will turn on him and help Hillary destroy him. It’s happening already.…
– The hope that Obama’s impending 2017 departure would waken the world from a bad dream was dashed by the rise of both Hillary Clinton…
Why Are Trump's Poll Numbers Underwater Against Hillary?
– any measure be a Republican year in a race for the White House, in the national polls Donald Trump continues to lose support to Hillary
Hillary Reports More Than $42 Million War Chest
Hillary Clinton’s campaign went into June with $42,461,785.99 cash on hand, according to her end-of-May Federal Election Commission … Hillary for America and the Hillary Victory Fund reported $28,275,817.46 raised in May from about 430,000 contributors. … “That grassroots support will be critical to our success and will ensure that we have the resources we need to communicate Hillary
Trump's Campaign Is Sinking and No One Is Doing Anything About It
– He isn’t hiring staff; he has about 30 paid staff around the country while Hillary Clinton has something in the neighborhood of 700 … Trump’s own fundraising team believes he will fall far short of Hillary Clinton’s goal of raising $1.2 billion and possibly reach $300 … Even creating an operation half the size of Hillary Clinton’s is going to cost in excess of $300 million between now and election day…
Internet 'Game' Mocks Offering Thoughts & Prayers After Mass Shootings
Hillary Clinton Calls for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Following Orlando Massacre Furthermore, the political push of Democrats in the Senate…
Loretta Lynch: Islam's Finest PR Agent?
– Perhaps Kenney was angling for a plum position in the Obama administration, or in a subsequent Hillary Clinton administration.…
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