Results for: the daily caller

The IRS Scandal: It Just Gets Worse and Worse
– He’s the Kenyan-born half brother of the more famous Obama. … Malik has what The Daily Caller delicately calls “a checkered past.” … Groups, that is, like the Barack H. Obama Foundation. As The Daily Caller reports, Ms.…
Former IRS Chief's Wife Works for Left Wing Lobbying Group
– From the Daily Caller: Former Internal Revenue Service commissioner Douglas H. … Shulman, a frequent White House guest during the period when the IRS was targeting conservative nonprofits, is married to the senior … I can imagine the pillow talk in that household. The symmetry of this is beautiful.…
By All Appearances, the IRS Abuse Scandal Goes Right to the Top
– It also wants the IRS to target conservatives, and soft-peddled the abuse scandal when it first broke according to the Daily Caller … left and it’s located in the same building and on the same floor as the likes of Common Cause. … His predecessor at the IRS visited the Bush White House just once.…
Left's Call for a New Civility Still Not Working Out
– At the apex of the wilding spree that followed by “liberals” against anyone to the right of Barack Obama in the wake of the horrific … incident, Jeff Poor of the Daily Caller spotted this moment on MSNBC: “National Journal’s Hirsh: Time for a moral sanction against … We put the president in the White House.…
School Interrogates Kindergartener For Two Hours Over a Toy Cap Gun…ates-kindergartener-for-two-hours-over-a-toy-cap-gun-n178627
– Another day, another tale of gun hysteria in a public school, reports the Daily Caller. … The kindergartener had brought the toy gun because his friend had brought a water gun the previous day. … The principal eventually called the boy’s mother at 10:50 a.m.…
Thumbs Up to a Tech Solution for EBT Fraud
– that the people who get the money are the ones it intended to help. … True, most of the rise in the aid rolls is due to the economic downturn, but a significant portion is due to the fact that the Obama … The Daily Caller recently reported that 23,116,411 American households receive an average benefit of $274.30 apiece per month in Supplemental…
Ban Weaponized Dihydrogen Monoxide!
– “Suspension won’t be removed for five-year-old grilled over cap gun who then peed his pants,” the Daily Caller reports: School officials … The refusal came in the form of a letter dated Friday, reports The Washington Post. … I think the key element there is the water gun.…
Is the FBI Really Investigating the IRS Abuse Scandal?
– He has evidently made good on the dispassionate part, if not the view. … They tell the Daily Caller that the FBI has contacted none — zero — of their clients. … FBI,” Jay Sekulow of the American Center for Law and Justice told The Daily Caller on Thursday.…
Record 23,116,441 Million American Households on Food Stamps
Daily Caller: The March numbers the USDA released Friday reveal 23,116,441 households enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance … The number of individuals on SNAP did not break any records but remained high, with 47,727,052 people enrolled in SNAP, receiving an … Maybe it’s just me, but every time I hear a left use the word “sustainability,” I start feeling all slappy.…
Far Left Nation Magazine Calls for President's Impeachment
– As Eric Owens of the Daily Caller notes, Holtzman “sat on the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate era.” in the pages of … The Nation, “she powerfully yet dispassionately lays out the case for the immediate impeachment of the president:” The last straw … for the retired Congresswoman was the revelation that the president “directed the wiretapping of hundreds, possibly thousands, of…
Paula Deen Vs Quentin Tarantino
– Like Tarantino, as the Daily Caller notes, “‘N-word’ user Paula Deen is an Obama supporter:” Television chef Paula Deen, who lost … her gig Friday with the Food Network after admitting and apologizing for having used racial epithets, including the “N-word,” is a … The Southern-bred television personality also invited Michelle Obama onto one of her television programs and praised the first lady…
Two Overcultures in One
– Like Tarantino, as the Daily Caller notes, “‘N-word’ user Paula Deen is an Obama supporter:” Television chef Paula Deen, who lost … her gig Friday with the Food Network after admitting and apologizing for having used racial epithets, including the “N-word,” is a … The Southern-bred television personality also invited Michelle Obama onto one of her television programs and praised the first lady…
Question Asked and Answered
– ,” Stacy McCain asks, at the conclusion of a post titled, “In Case I Haven’t Mentioned It Lately, David Brooks Is Still a Useless Idiot … ” Perhaps this recent article by Theo Caldwell at the Daily Caller holds a clue: “Canada is far from American stereotypes of socialism … By almost any measure, Canada is a freer country than the U.S.A.”…
'We Ought to Defeat Capitalism With Its Own Weapons, Comrades...'
– Johnson at the Daily Caller: U.S. … Daily Caller has learned. … Daily Caller: Law requires Obama administration to cut off Egyptian aid The $1.5 billion in U.S. foreign aid slated for Egypt next…
– Simply dial 1-800-FUCKYO to reach the next available health-care provider,” the Daily Caller reports: Far from being a mistype, that … Sadly, the Obama administration failed to swap the useless 1 for a more functional 8 to complete the heartfelt message, perhaps in … Note the photo the Daily Caller chose to accompany the story.…
Great Moments in Self-Awareness
– Dean Baquet, Pulitzer Prize winner and managing editor of The New York Times, spoke at the HUB-Robeson Center last night about the … ● “Environmentalists to news networks: cover climate change more, skeptics less:” — The Daily Caller, April, 2013. … If The Times said it, it was the absolute truth.” In later versions published online, the quote had been removed.…
Obama Administration Denied Veterans' Request to Visit World War II Memorial…nied-veterans-request-to-visit-world-war-ii-memorial-n182040
The White House and the Department of the Interior rejected a request from Rep. … The Daily Caller Tuesday. … Palazzo’s office was in touch with the heads of the National Park Service, the Department of the Interior and the Capitol Police.…
Marker Called
– In 2010, he was surprisingly honest in confessing his dishonesty: Jonathan Strong, then with the Daily Caller, placed the 2010 … In concluding his interview with The Daily Caller, Yglesias said “go f***k yourself” and hung up the phone. … The strategy of the lie is progressives’ new gospel.…
'There's Nothing Just About Nature. Nature Is Only About Survival.'
– And the greater the bureaucracy the greater this favoritism and the more difficult to unmask, the more entrenched it is. … Daily Caller: 9. … And always keep an eye on Jeff Poor — he’s one of the Daily Caller’s best.…
'Why Does Organizing For Action Hate the Mentally Challenged?'
– one nutter who carries the sign comparing Mr. … Obama to Hitler, or waves the Confederate Flag, or openly brandishes a firearm, represents the views of the entire group. … Jim Treacher, the author of the above headlines writes that “An OFA spokesman has asked the Daily Caller to change this headline.…
You Can't Make an Omelet Without Frying a Few Eggheads
The late William F. … The intellectual romance with the clever Barack Obama continues. … “It’s kind of embarrassing to admit it,” he tells an interviewer for the website Daily Caller, “but I responded in part to his rhetoric…
It's Hard to Blame Cory Booker. Would YOU Want to Live In Newark?
– Of course, I wouldn’t pose as the mayor of the place either. … Multiple residents of Newark told The Daily Caller that the longtime mayor doesn’t live at any of the addresses he has claimed as home … How is he supposed to do that when the place is so unlivable and the Democrat base is so unreasonable?…
How Badly Does NBC's Bob Costas Hate the Dallas Cowboys?
– As soon as the DirecTV guide said that the Dallas Cowboys would be playing the Washington Redskins on NBC’s Sunday Night Football, … I don’t hate the game, but increasingly, I’m hating the players, both on the field and in the booth.  And I doubt I’m alone. … More: “Defensive Costas tries to explain his ‘Redskins’ slam,” the Daily Caller reports.…
Our Government is Hopelessly Corrupt, Dangerously Stupid, Or Both
Daily Caller. … Rosilyn Wells — the Director of Outreach and Enrollment for the Heartland Community Health-care Center (HCHC) – is “the only full-time … the next year.…
Veterans March on White House
– White House, the Daily Caller reports: Organized by Brats for Veterans Advocacy, the Million Vet March on the Memorials drew in … Retired Master Sergeant  Jim Hanson also expressed his anger with the closures, telling The Daily Caller that veterans have every right … For those doubters who want to put down the #1MVetMarch, here’s a shot of the main part of the crowd early on.…
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