Results for: hillary

Gary Johnson is an Equal Opportunity Spoiler
– that, in the words of The Fiscal Times, the Johnson/William Weld ticket is “playing to the advantage of former secretary of state Hillary … Trump, an interesting pattern emerges: 44%-39%, Hillary Clinton vs.…
15 Conspiracy Theories Donald Trump Has Given More Air Time
– Supreme Court case defended a conservative non-profit’s ability to advertise a video about a political candidate (in this case Hillary
Sharpton: Debate Over Superdelegates a 'Mute Conversation'
– recently challenged the superdelegates to take a “hard look” at a State Department report that revealed presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary
Bernie Still 'an Active Candidate for President,' Says Campaign Manager…active-candidate-for-president-says-campaign-manager-n44127
– Sanders said he met with Hillary Clinton recently and said he looked forward to working with her “to transform the Democratic Party … s what these discussions are about, can we get to a place where these young people will know that their voice has been heard by Hillary
Bernie Sanders' Non-Concession Concession Speech
– Sanders thanked his supporters, encouraged them to keep fighting for his principles, and said he would work with Hillary Clinton to … He knows Hillary Clinton has beat him. … All this after he called for defeating Donald Trump first and foremost, and working with Hillary Clinton to do so.…
How To Be a Mainstream Journalist
– When Bill Clinton was plausibly accused of raping and forcibly molesting women and Hillary Clinton slandered and helped silence his…
Michelle Obama on White House: ‘It’s Like I’ve Been Living in a Cave’
– House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) also addressed the summit and praised presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary … “We know Hillary Clinton will engage in a dignified campaign of ideas, vision about the future, a campaign worthy of the office of…
About Trump's 'Big, Beautiful Wall...'
– In the Senate, 26 Democrats voted for it, including New York’s then-junior senator, Hillary Clinton.…
Hillary's Veep List Tilts Leftward, Includes Fauxcahontas
– Via Reuters: Hillary Clinton is considering U.S. … Her addition to the ticket would also add some progressive credibility that Hillary doesn’t have and super-size the “HISTORIC!” … A Clinton/Sanders ticket only makes sense if Team Hillary thinks ALL of the youth vote will abandon her.…
Definitely Stupid
– Recently purchased by readers: Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary … , Bill, and How They Operate, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne exposes the truth behind Hillary, Bill, and their public facade…
Donald Trump Betrays the NRA, Favors Gun Control
– So much for the argument that he’s better than Hillary on Constitutional issues that go before the Supreme Court.…
Why Speaking the Truth About Islamic Terrorism Matters
– where homosexuality is punishable by death (and which, incidentally, is reportedly responsible for at least 20% of the funds for Hillary
Avoiding Islam, Media Squarely Focuses on Florida AG Pam Bondi as Real Evil After Orlando…focuses-on-fl-ag-pam-bondi-as-real-evil-after-orlando-n46822
– In case you thought that Hillary Clinton’s brief flirtation with the obvious yesterday might mean the Democrats have decided to admit…
Google Self-Driving Cars Will Change Everything
Hillary Clinton might not want to believe it, but every computer system is hackable.…
Trump Sees Post-Orlando Bump in Reuters/IPSOS Poll
– Here’s a snapshot of the uptick: Hillary will need the media to remain in full-throated cheerleader mode to hold her advantage,…
Russian Government Hacks DNC, Steals Oppo Research on Trump
– The networks of presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were also targeted by Russian spies, as were the computers…
Christians at Faith Conference Say Trump Was Not Himself
– “What I’m telling Christians and other well-meaning believers is, a vote for Hillary is clear, you know exactly what you’re getting … Even a vote for a third-party candidate, such as Libertarian nominee Gary Johnson, “is still a yes vote for Hillary.” … She also emphasized that Trump is the only real alternative to Hillary Clinton.…
Carl Bernstein: Trump's Orlando Attack Speech 'Terribly, Terribly Effective'…mps-orlando-attack-speech-terribly-terribly-effective-n83421
– Bernstein thinks Trump’s words could appeal to independents and Democrats because Hillary Clinton and our current president have been…
After Orlando, Left Is Out of Excuses for Its False Prophets
– Trump may have no more competence than Hillary, but at least he knows he will need competence, while Hillary has not yet realized it … Recently purchased by readers: Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses His Firsthand Experience with Hillary … , Bill, and How They Operate, Former Secret Service officer Gary Byrne exposes the truth behind Hillary, Bill, and their public facade…
Air Canada Launches a 'Test Drive Canada' Campaign
– We can speculate that people are nervous to live in a country with either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton as President.…
Hillary Evolves, Now Willing to Cite 'Radical Islam' as Problem
Hillary Clinton on Monday broke from President Barack Obama in referring to the terrorist attack as “radical Islamism,” countering … Hillary Calls for ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Following Orlando…
Hillary Clinton Calls for 'Assault Weapons' Ban Following Orlando Massacre
Hillary Clinton called for a reinstatement of the “assault weapons” ban during several media interviews on Monday. … same holds true for the ‘assault weapon’ bans so frequently and impotently proposed by President Obama or Democrat front-runner Hillary
Sessions: Trump Was 'Frustrated and Said Something He Shouldn't Have Said' About Judge…and-said-something-he-shouldnt-have-said-about-judge-n44120
– Sessions labeled presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s support for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants … “Hillary Clinton is radical. We’re at the highest level of immigration we’ve ever seen.…
Orlando Shooter's Father Thinks He's the President of Afghanistan
– Barack Obama, his left-wing echo chamber, Hillary Clinton, Muslim leaders like Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and — yes — …
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