Results for: the daily caller

Too Good to Check: NBC Hired 'Psychological Consultant' to Assess David Gregory
– And according to Betsy Rothstein of the Daily Caller, NBC hired a “brand consultant” not a psychologist, to analyze the obvious — no … ,” an NBC spokesperson told The Daily Caller‘s Mirror blog. … In the key 25-54-year-old demo, it marked the lowest ratings in the show’s history.…
What Happened to the October Surprise?
– He acknowledged the remarkable sea change in the fortunes of  the campaigns and even allowed that my long-standing prediction that … That of course remains to be seen, but it was was just an hour or two later that my friend sent me a link from The Daily Caller, based … The game is up for Obama.…
Of Course the Game is Rigged
– under-reported unemployment claims last week, contributed to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election campaign, The DailyCaller has learned. … 8% in time for the election.…
Is California Scheming to Make the Obama Economy Look Better?
– Mitt Romney had thoroughly schooled Obama in the first presidential debate, changing the trajectory of the campaign. … to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election campaign, The Daily Caller has learned … The state agency oversees the Employment Development Department.…
Jobless Claims, Welfare Spending Up. Way Up.
The second awful number of the day, is that according to the Daily Caller, the United States spent $1.03 trillion on welfare in fiscal … Further, spending on the 10 largest federal welfare programs has doubled as a share of the federal budget in the last 30 years: In … The agency explained that this spending increase was largely due to the growth in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or…
Obama's National Security 'Not Top 10' of 2012
– This explains the admission of a senior White House outreach official back in June to Neil Munro of the Daily Caller that the Obama … Questioning the State Department’s decision not to designate Boko Haram, Eli Lake of the Daily Beast quoted one official who explained … While the establishment media for the most part have ignored the tough questions about the terror attack, the reporting by Catherine…
Three Things We Can Learn From the Menendez Sex Scandal
–   According to a report by Daily Caller investigative reporter Matt Boyle, two women from the Dominican Republic are charging … The ladies say the senator offered them five hundred dollars but then only paid them one hundred each after the fact. … The fact that Menendez took his business to the Dominican Republic tells you the disregard he and his party have for the at-home entrepreneurial…
Sen. Bob Menendez. Prostitutes. Dominican Republic
– Bob Menendez paid us for sex in the Dominican Republic | The Daily Caller. … Two women from the Dominican Republic told The Daily Caller that Democratic New Jersey Sen. … The women spoke through a translator in the company of their attorney, Melanio Figueroa.…
Democrat Senator Accused of Paying Women for Sex in the Dominican Republic…ed-of-paying-women-for-sex-in-the-dominican-republic-n174739
– According to two women in the Dominican Republic who spoke with the Daily Caller, Menendez agreed to pay them each $500 for sex, before … Neither knew the identity of the man at the time. Both claimed to recognize him later as Sen. Menendez. … The DC reports that Menendez does travel frequently to the Dominican Republic, and to the location that the women singled out.…
Did Hackers Sabotage Romney Campaign's GOTV Program?
– via Hacker group attempts to take credit for Project ORCA failure | The Daily Caller. … The timeline The Protectors offered in the letter to Velvet Revolution, however, contradicts accounts from both the Romney campaign … Read the rest at the Daily Caller. **** Related at PJ Lifestyle: PJ Lifestyle Seeking Freelance Technology Writers…
Dispatches from the Liberal Bletchley Park
– But then, this is far from the first time that the left has heard words that no one else could hear. … Perhaps it’s time for the Daily Caller to update their 2010 article, “A Brief History of Racism: The Clyburn Files.”…
'An Open Letter to Bob Costas and Jason Whitlock'
– Alexandria of the Doubleplus Undead blog is angry. … to express your belief that guns are the problem, not the men who wield them. … Elsewhere, the Bangor Daily News reports,  “Angry about woman, Jovan Belcher punched out window, gashed hand in 2006 UMaine incident…
Obama Passes Conservative Blogosphere Full Employment Act
– If true, as I wrote the other day, the sixties are now complete: A president supported by an ex-Weatherman and the New Black Panthers … Update: “A while ago, The Daily Caller reported that, as a student at Columbia University, Eric Holder participated in an armed takeover … of the University’s former ROTC office.”…
'The First Ad of 2014' Will Look Very Much Like the First Ad of 1992
– “The tax seduction” is the topic Matt Lewis explores at the Daily Caller, aka, “Why Republicans should think twice before breaking … the pledge:” A trend is emerging. … “The Democratic National Committee paid for this ad,” Hugh writes, and, as Lewis implies at the Daily Caller, already has:…
Ann Coulter Reveals the Secret of Ending School Shootings
–   via The Daily Caller » We know how to stop school shootings » Print. … in the mall during the busy Christmas season. … Read the whole thing at the Daily Caller And read everything Ann Coulter writes. ***** Image courtesy shutterstock / Darren…
Of Complexities, Contradictions and Second Chakras
– Over the years, he professes to attempt to solve the “problem” of reducing the earth’s “carbon footprint” by expending plenty of carbon … You can’t tell the players without a scorecard, and that’s just the way the Western media intend to keep it. … But then, as fellow PJM Columnist Barry Rubin tells the Daily Caller today, sanity left the skyscraper a decade ago: Rubin said Al-Jazeera…
Diagnosis Confirmed
– “The culture war is over, and conservatives lost,” Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller writes in The Week: We should have seen it coming … And politics has failed because of the collapse of the culture. The culture we are living in becomes an ever-wider sewer. … network at the start of the year: Consider that during the 2009 show, Griffin dropped an F-bomb.…
Light and Humorous
– “Geometry teacher who compared student’s Romney t-shirt to KKK garb faces lawsuit,” the Daily Caller reports: The suit seeks damages … Pawlucy called herself resilient through it all. ”(I’ve learned) to stand up for myself,” the teen said, according to the Daily Mail … couple of weeks,” according to the Daily Mail.…
In Defense of Marty Peretz
– in the decade of the 1980’s and the Reagan years. … At The Daily Caller, Tucker Carlson’s website, Mike Riggs writes that Peretz reminds him of his own grandmother, who like Peretz, … In areas like the arts and books, it is way ahead of Salon, Slate, The Daily Caller, and any of the new websites that all of Peretz…
Michelle's "Get Moving" Led to Increases in Pedestrian Deaths
– WMAL reports Michelle Obama’s killing us and not in the theatrical sense of the word: WASHINGTON — The Governors Highway Safety … On the other hand, commonsense indicates that there is some merit to the charge that the “Let’s Get Moving” campaign led to an increase … See the original piece in The Examiner and the followup in the Daily Caller. Sorry, Ms.…
In which I shoot down another Perry rumor
The Daily Caller asks “Is Rick Perry Running for President?” … The stars are aligned to make Gov. … Perry an obvious candidate for the presidency, but the DC’s story doesn’t actually get us closer to knowing whether he will run or…
Assange Rape Allegations and the Left's Abandonment of Women's Rights
– In an interview with The Daily Caller, Siskind also said “it seems as if these women are meant to be roadkill so that the people on … In the UK and much of Europe it’s against the law to name the alleged victim in a rape case, while in the U.S. a complainant’s identity … Their positions have nothing to do with the facts of the case, and everything to do with the political ideology of the accused.…
No corrections
– For the record, from The Daily Caller: Stephanopoulos, NYT, CNN, WaPo decline to correct erroneous Giffords reporting.…
Another Year, Another Racially Insensitive Cafeteria Menu
– This was posted yesterday at the Daily Caller: A California university says it was bad taste to serve chicken and waffles on Martin … The dining hall advertised the meal as an “MLK Holiday Special.” … well with the above post, both illustrating the often corrosive clash of the two poles of the left, political correctness and multiculturalism…
'Why does MSNBC Tolerate Chris Matthews' Misogyny?'
– But at the Daily Caller, Amy Siskind writes: Well, apparently Chris Matthews missed President Obama’s Tucson Memorial Speech. … The speech in which the president called for civility and toning down the rhetoric. … Fey was the former “Saturday Night Live” player who returned to the program in 2008 to perform a refulgent impression of the newly…
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