Results for: the daily caller

CNN Will Report No News Before Its Time
– “CNN’s Don Lemon confused by Obama’s Fox News attack,” the Daily Caller notes: CNN host Don Lemon challenged a Democratic commentator … They’ve got the freak left, Fox has the freak right, and we at CNN are right in the middle.  We’ve got the independents. … the government says it, and the government never lies.’”…
Who Wants Barack Obama As Her Baby's Godfather?
– Betsy Rothstein at the Daily Caller: Rare’s new motto: Pink is the Center Well, today, Rare‘s newest editorial hire, Jack Hunter, … The Daily Mail: The real Goodfellas: FBI arrest New York mafia suspected of carrying out the infamous 1978 Lufthansa heist This is … Graphic Images at the Daily Mail: Starved, tortured then throttled: The true horror of how Assad’s soldiers execute rebel prisoners…
Wendy Davis' Terrible, Awful, No Good Week Ends With Her Nabbing a Very Important Endorsement…k-ends-with-her-nabbing-a-very-important-endorsement-n187188
– She “won” the endorsement of a “sugar daddy” service, according to the Daily Caller. … “It can take a single mom from squalor to scholar, or in this case from the trailer park to Harvard, and a seat in the Senate. … The sugar lifestyle creates an opportunity for women to transcend the single mother stereotypes.”…
'Meet MSNBC. Better Described as Jim Crow TV'
– Touré, as reported here in The Daily Caller, founded a newspaper in college that “only solicited funds from blacks.”  … In an interview with The Daily Caller, Touré described the newspaper as “an important black voice on campus.” Question. … Did the confidence for this move come from the idea that NBC’s Olympic coverage would make up for the loss? Who knows.…
Former AP Man Ron Fournier Plays the Race Card
– And/or the potential MSNBC host. … In 2011, National Journal called for, as the Daily Caller paraphrased at the time, “a moral sanction against gun metaphors similar … to the ‘N’ word.'”…
This Land Is Their Land
The question to ask about people who scare is who they fear more: the peons with the pitchforks or the other mob tootling the El Degüello … Just today the Daily Caller reported a new administration exemption which would allow the admission of immigrants who have only provided … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
John Kerry: Israel Could Be Next Vietnam
– At the Daily Caller, Jamie Weinstein spots the greatest Secretary of State America has ever had since Hillary Clinton playing — what … Unfortunately, there are some people in Israel and in Palestine and in the Arab World and around the world that don’t support the peace … At the start of the year, the State Department quoted their boss as saying, during a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister…
Gray Lady Down
The depth of “The Tragedy of the Times Editorial Page” is charted by John Steele Gordon at Commentary: The New York Observer ran … But I think the reporters are off the mark on the cause.   … In his new article today titled “Woody Allen, and why cultural conservatives always had a point,” Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller observes…
Not a Smidgen of Corruption? IRS, Treasury Crafted Secret Rules to Hinder Non-Profits…treasury-crafted-secret-rules-to-hinder-non-profits-n187968
The Daily Caller reports on an email that shows collusion between disgraced IRS official Lois Lerner and the US Treasury Department … The email proves that the IRS was seeking an “off-plan” way to curb those groups’ activities ahead of the 2012 election. … Read the rest.…
Two National Journals in One!
– —Headline, the Daily Caller, January 21st, 2011. … —The National Journal, today: “The Obama Administration Is on T-Mobile’s Porch With a Shotgun.” … Hey, I have no problem with imagery and headline*, but then, it wasn’t my side of the aisle who in the wake of the shooting of Democrat…
The Hypocrisy of the Left’s Commitment to 'Peacemaking'
– For Part I see “The Hypocrisy of the ‘Islamophobia’ Scam,” for Part II see “The Hypocrisy of the Fatwa Against Terrorism,”  for Part … III see “The Hypocrisy of the Feminist Response to Islam’s Oppression of Women,” for Part IV see “The Hypocrisy of the Western Christian … Johnson in the Daily Caller: “Iranian state-run media have referred to the National Iranian-American Council (NIAC) since at least…
#BOWDOWN and Just NBC the Objective Journalism!
– HOLY CRAP LOOK AT THE FIRST LADY’S DRESS. … Add it together with this tweet from Versailles on the Potomac from the account of the first lady herself yesterday, and as others … in 1776 in the first place: As Neil Munro of the Daily Caller noted in response, “Poverty and unemployment are at near-record…
Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!
– Led by Andrea Mitchell, “NBC affiliates across country refuse to say ‘Washington Free Beacon,’” notes Betsy Rothstein at the DailyCaller. … The description came after the publication’s Alana Goodman wrote a story Monday called “The Hillary Papers,” a window of sorts into…
Is Peak Orwell Sustainable?
– Here’s a just a taste: In order to play the losing hand the left have chosen to deal to themselves and the rest of the country via … It began when the head of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office reported that the interplay of taxes and subsidies in the law … Daily Caller: Some of the terms the coworkers called Jones included, for example, “little lady,” “lady” and “miss,” reports The
The Obama Administration Declares War
– Everyone wants to help the poor, the old and the sick; the safety net exists because we want it. … It’s all part of the malaise, the sclerosis. … Update: “Ukraine threatened: Obama fires verbs at Russian tanks,” Neil Munro writes at the Daily Caller.…
Back To the Future
– On the basis of this new information, the IWC stated that it would have to rewrite its catch figures for the last forty years. … The Daily Caller reports the conclusions of a Washington environmentalist think-tank. … The War of the Words for $3.99, Understanding the crisis of the early 21st century in terms of information corruption in the financial…
They've Already Got the Right Man for the Job in the White House
– “Environmentalists champion economic ‘de-growth,’” Michael Bastasch writes at the Daily Caller: Environmentalists are pushing a … Environmentalists at the New Economics Foundation in London and the Worldwatch Institute in Washington, D.C. argue that cutting the … [George Monbiot of the Guardian] also acknowledges the contradictory and inconsistent nature of the green solutions. …
And Now For News of Fresh Disaster at CNN
– To paraphrase the headline atop this story by center-right Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller, “Leave us alone” is rapidly becoming “bake … But instead, the half-hour of CNN I was forced to watch last night while on the treadmill at the gym featured Anderson Cooper dressing … on the story.…
Karma: Tommy Christopher Fired at Mediaite
– More proof of Karma: Tommy Christopher has been fired at Mediaite according to the Daily Caller. … Obama regardless of the merits of the case. … By September 2010, Chris Coates had concluded the DOJ was falsely describing the dismissal of the Panther case.…
What Options Do Republicans Have to Counter Obama's Pen?
– Tension between the executive and legislative branches of the federal government has existed since the founding of the republic. … Writing for the Daily Caller, Elizabeth Price Foley, a law professor at Florida International University, said courts “cannot rule … The legislative branch makes the laws and the executive branch enforces our laws.…
The whole thing is a classic, beginning with the first line. … The heart, the arteries of the country are now clogged with hate. The fuel of American political life is hatred. … T-word: Media Matters “reporter” Luke Brinker writes, “Daily Caller gossip scribe Betsy Rothstein used the transphobic slur ‘tranny…
Two Time-Warners in One!
– “CNN’s media critic: Journalists shouldn’t ‘give equal time’ to global warming skeptics,” Jamie Weinstein writes at the Daily Callerthe rest of us? … planet, via the air-conditioned server farm of the Huffington Post.…
Chris Matthews' Eliminationist Rhetoric
– like the ‘n’-word public forums. … —The Daily Caller, January 21st, 2011. … as with the rest of the American left, he quickly forgot his pledge for a new civility.…
Question Asked and Answered
– Yesterday, Christopher Bedford noted at the Daily Caller that “The Washington Post is pretty worried about the people Obamacare hurts … Because victimhood is the strategy of the left — one the right often finds unseemly. … happen, and tried to stop Obamacare from being passed — is using the tactics the left used to pass the law against the law.…
Krauthammer Destroys Global Warming Theory in 89 Seconds
The Daily Caller: “The president pretends that this is all settled science,” he began. … drought in the West Coast.” … The president himself lied about the drought being caused by climate change when the most current models show exactly the opposite.…
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