Results for: the daily caller

I can see that Vodkapundit Will Soon be Renegotiating his Contract
– As Hot Air notes, linking to this Politico story, “Confirmed: Daily Caller a pretty awesome place to work:” Tucker Carlson has … made it abundantly clear that his news organization, The Daily Caller, is not your average place to work. … The newsroom’s brand-new kegerator, the addition of which The Daily Caller celebrated Wednesday night.…
Colbert Marks The Final Days of the Comedy Central Congress
– Which brings us to Allahpundit on Stephen Colbert’s upcoming appearance there: I thought the Daily Caller must have been suckered … that Obama misread the lessons of the Godfather, one of the president’s favorite movies: In the world of The Godfather, Barack Obama … isn’t the brutal-yet-wise Vito or the coldly calculating Michael.…
Feel the Hate
– Arafat, say something in Spanish she’d likely never say in English: “The Vietnamese and the Republicans are, with an intensity, trying … Every time one of these [expletive] says, excuse my language… You can see the video of the aforementioned F-hug here. … in a little comedy relief this week, according to the Daily Caller: Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert is slated to testify…
Stacy Bannerman’s Domestic Violence Hoax
– Without missing a beat, Risdon skewered the claim: “Our advocates would never give that response to a caller.” … The caller was not indulging in a frat-house prank, and Ms. Bannerman surely understands the mortal risks of partner violence. … Dutton replied, “The Daily Beast article feeds into the stereotype of domestic violence as perpetrated by brutal men against hapless…
The Battle for America 2010: Red October
– Sam Foster, writing at the Daily Caller, offered up perhaps the best big picture dissection of the Nannygate affair. … the whole issue of the minimum wage. … The news media is always on the lookout for the next newsworthy personality and is sensitive to the fact that they missed the Scott…
The Democrats' Pledge (to Lie) to America
– It got mixed reviews, sparked a bizarre Daily Caller attack on National Review, and also prompted our own Ed Driscoll to wonder if … the Democrats had any intention of publishing their own agenda for the country. … The idea that the Democrats oppose “special interests” in the name of “fair elections” is risible.…
The October Surprises Start Early this Year
– At the start of the month, Jim Geraghty’s campaign guru, “Obi-Won Kenobi” predicted near-daily October Surprises: Q: The atmosphere … Remember that Politico piece about the daily phone call of Rahm Emanuel, James Carville, Begala, and George Stephanopoulos on the … But then, as Jim Treacher writes at the Daily Caller, “Not everybody hates the Democrats yet…but it’s still five weeks until the midterms…
PJM Political 10/16/10: Political Mad Men
– Glenn Reynolds interviews veteran blogger Mary Katharine Ham, who recently joined the Daily Caller as a video producer. … Simon and Lionel Chetwynd debate the merits of the hit new film, The Social Network. … and worst political ads of the midterms.…
'Because the Rallies are Comic Events, You May Not Laugh'
– Speaking of Stewart, at the Daily Caller, Jim Treacher adds, “Call it Clown Nose On, Clown Nose Off. … President of the United States is endorsing it and appearing on the Daily Show this week. … You can even be both over the course of the same conversation.…
Puritanical Poseurs in Paradise
The calculation of risk and a preference for proven practices are the conservative contributions to the survival of the species. … I lean toward the latter and here’s why:  The accusation that their opponents are “scared” has become the default position of the … (QED, this Daily Caller headline: “Democrats start to doubt Keynes.” Gee, what took so long?)…
Its Origin, Purpose, and Distaff Support, Still a Total Mystery
– “MSNBC contributors can’t figure out why so many women are part of the Tea Party,” Caroline May writes at the Daily Caller: Confusion … was the word of the day on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” this morning when the panel questioned why so many women have been drawn to the … Tea Party movement,” she told The Daily Caller.…
Divisive New GOP Majority Already Swelling Unemployment Ranks
– “Lawrence O’Donnell is a socialist,” Alexis Levinson of the Daily Caller writes: At least, that’s what the MSNBC commentator … Also at the Daily Caller: “The Election Night clip MSNBC doesn’t want you to see.” At Reason, Michael C. … Moynihan asks, “Which is in worse shape, the state of the American economy or the state of American punditry?”…
The Battle for America 2010: GOP Takes House, Dems Hold Senate
– Update: 7:35 PDT: (Ed) “Republican takes Bart Stupak seat in Michigan,” the Daily Caller reports: Republican Dan Benishek has won … Update: 7:22 PDT: (Ed) The Daily Caller reports, “Democratic Rep. … The Daily Caller also notes that Democratic Gov. Deval Patrick  won reelection in Massachusetts.…
'It's All Rigged:' Perfect Metaphor for Obama's Washington
– Michael Bennet said into a mic he didn’t realize was hot and going out onto C-Span, as the Daily Caller notes, complete with video: … Here’s the full quote, as transcribed by the Daily Caller’s Chris Moody: It’s all rigged. … “It’s something he’s been talking about from day one,” Cecil told The Daily Caller in an interview outside the Senate chamber.…
The MSM Continues to Tee-Off on its Customers
The MSNBC-ification of the MSM was increasingly apparent as the summer ended, and the left’s cheerleading for the Ground Zero Mosque … First up, as Jeff Poor writes at the Daily Caller, “Fareed Zakaria to the American people: You are ‘the big problem;'” tuning into … Read the whole thing.™ Being far to the left of the majority of Americans, yet still thinking of yourself as “the center” can cause…
This Just In
– “New York Times Editor Bill Keller is a registered Democrat,” Steven Nelson writes at the Daily Caller. … The New York Times Public Editor’s office, which has been tasked in part with monitoring political bias within the paper, declined … Regarding perceptions that the Times might have the aura of a penumbra of an emanation of being ever-so-biased just a hair to the left…
Yeah, We Warned You
– Powerful conservative media’ colluding with GOP to attack Obama in event of terrorist attack warn Matthews, Alter,” Jeff Poor writes at theDaily Caller: There’s an opportunistic “conservative media” ready to pounce on President Barack Obama. … On MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews trotted out a quasi-conspiracy theory, saying the “right-wing media machine” — including…
The Environmental Protection Agency’s End-Run Around Democracy
– In a recent issue of the Daily Caller, reporter Jonathan Strong asserts that EPA’s global warming regulations are “no end-run around … Yet one of the statute’s core purposes, declared in the first section, is “to promote . . . the productive capacity of the population … in the House.…
Has She Finally Got To You? Can You Hear Me Doctor Wu?
– At the start of the year, the Oregonian reported “Since the November election, U.S. Rep. … A month later, it was reported in the Daily Caller that Wu sent a photo to staffers posing in a Tigger outfit. (No, really!) … The woman is the daughter of a longtime friend and campaign donor. She apparently did not contact police at the time.…
'Politico reporter who covered Palin quits for Democratic Party job'
– has quit journalism to work with the Democratic Party in Arizona, sources tell The Daily Caller. … That reporter, Andy Barr, has covered national politics for the publication since 2008. … Barr leaving to help elect Democrats will likely fan the flames of critics who say Politico has a liberal bias.…
It's Just a Coincidence, I'm Sure
– Families that remain in The City are bucking the trend that has plagued San Francisco for years as the number of children — defined … Daily Caller: In celebration of Monday’s Department of Health and Human Services announcement that all insurers must cover contraceptives … On the other hand, the togs in their new video are far more benign than some of the costumes the founder of Planned Parenthood was…
Planned Parenthood Celebrates ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate With a Bizarre Bollywood Video…birth-control-mandate-with-a-bizarre-bollywood-video-n151380
The mandate itself will likely lead to higher insurance premiums — the money to pay for the pills doesn’t grow on the trees they’re … The House de-funded PP earlier this year. Does the mandate restore that funding via backdoor? … (h/t Daily Caller)…
Justice Department Sets a Marxist Terrorist Free
The Holder Justice Department eventually obliged in July 2010.  The Daily Caller covered the details of Buck’s parole already.  … Of course the cash for coverage hacks miss the point.  … The Holder Justice Department released Buck, not the Bush administration.  Indeed the Bush administration denied Buck parole. …
New Civility Update
– “National Journal’s Hirsh: Time for a moral sanction against gun metaphors similar to the ‘N’ word,” Jeff Poor wrote at the DailyCaller on January 21st: National Journal’s Michael Hirsh wants to raise the bar on decorum to an entirely new level. … like the ‘n’-word public forums.…
And Thus, the Circle is Complete
– ” — Headline in the Washington Post, last October. … “Al Gore: We need an American ‘Arab spring’” — Headline the Daily Caller, yesterday. … But wait, does this mean Al is for regime change in the Middle East? I’m getting whiplash keeping track.…
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