Results for: the daily caller

When Must Huckabee Decide?
– However, with the economy still in trouble and only 23% of the American people saying the country’s on the right track, the possibility … Two months later, he proceeded to win the Ames straw poll, the Iowa caucuses, the Republican nomination, and then the presidency. … Some national observers, such as two columnists for the Daily Caller, warn Huckabee dallies at his peril, invoking Fred Thompson’s…
Your ♡bamaCare!!! Fail of the Day
– verge of failure, but they refuse to disclose them to the public or to Congress, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation has … Just in the last three weeks, five of the original 24 Obamacare co-ops announced plans to close, bringing the total of failures to … eight barely two years after their launch with $2 billion in start-up capital from the taxpayers under the Affordable Care Act.…
Rubio’s Refrigerator, and Ben Carson’s Dud Performance
– First, the expected: the CNBC panel was nasty. … PJ Media, National Review, Breitbart, the Daily Caller, the Weekly Standard, the Washington Examiner, Free Beacon and the Blaze could … Now, the unexpected and strange moments from the debate: the strangest was hearing the story of Marco Rubio draining his retirement…
50 Top Conservative Websites
– Drudge Report Breitbart* The Daily Caller Zero Hedge The Daily Wire The Blaze The Week Washington Examiner Gateway Pundit WorldNet … ), The Daily Caller (25.33M), and The Daily Wire (23.23M). … Daily Caller (25.33M) The Daily Wire (23.23M) Conservative Tribune (18.74M)* Gateway Pundit (17.04M) The Blaze (16.32M) Newsmax (14.79M…
Unions Want a Piece of California's Legal Marijuana Industry
– So cue the labor unions, who are always trying to muscle in on the action.  … From The Daily Caller: Labor unions are vying for new, dues-paying members from California’s growing cannabis industry as a state … After California residents passed Proposition 64 in 2016, the Golden State became the largest market in the U.S. for recreational marijuana…
The Age of the Nothing Burger
– According to The Daily Caller, when scientists John Christy and Richard McNider re-calibrated satellite temperature data to remove … The current fracas over the status of Jerusalem, the eastern section of which has been designated by the PA and the EU as the future … It manifestly is not, as any reading of the Koran, the Hadith, the Sira and Sunna, the schools of jurisprudence, the immense ulemic…
Papa John's Founder Resigns Months After Criticizing NFL
– From The Daily Caller: The founder of Papa Johns pizza announced he would be resigning in January, months after he publicly criticized … the National Football League for the way it dealt with players protesting the national anthem. … The announcement comes two months after Schnatter blasted the NFL and the league’s “poor leadership” after the company’s future sales…
Memo From Former Obama Staffer Reveals Why Democrats Might Shut Down the Government Over DACA…hy-democrats-might-shut-down-the-government-over-daca-n42717
the memo, originally published by The Daily Caller. … Ironically, if Democrats listen to the Palmieri memo and shut down the government over DACA, they may lose in the short run in the … Democrats might not get all the credit for a DACA fix with Trump, but they certainly would take the blame for shutting down the government…
The Morning Briefing: President OPRAH! Fusion GPS Continuing Trump Work and Much, Much More…dent-oprah-fusion-gps-continuing-trump-work-much-much-n55461
– Here is what’s on the president’s agenda today: In the morning, President Donald J. … the committees. … The Daily Caller tells us what there is to know about Oprah’s political positions.…
White House Aide Miller Booted From CNN Tapper Interview
The Daily Caller: After Tapper asked about Steve Bannon’s involvement in the Trump campaign and presidency, Miller said, “I think … that what the point is that his role has been greatly exaggerated, whereas the president hasn’t gotten the due that he deserves for … He asked, “Do you think tweets like that help or hurt the cause that the president is stable and up for the job?”…
Report: DOJ Reopening Clinton Email Investigation
– According to The Daily Beast, investigators will be taking “a fresh look” at the case, specifically “how much classified information … The FBI noted Clinton periodically received the Presidential Daily Brief — a top-secret document prepared by the CIA and other US intelligence … “Clearly, that’s the least they can be doing, is asking some of these questions,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told the Daily
Surprise! Baltimore Residents Blame Reduced Police Presence for High Murder Rate…idents-blame-reduced-police-presence-high-murder-rate-n55312
The Daily Caller: As Baltimore grapples with its highest per capita record for homicides, some resident blame a lack of police presence … We need the front line police officers and we need the heart of the black community to step to the forefront of this discussion. … The response to the Freddie Gray riots by the city has been connected to the spike in violence: Until Gray’s death, 15 years had…
Video: Texas burns, Obama fundraises
– all the way from the edges of San Antonio to the edges of El Paso. … The president’s trip to Austin today for a swank fundraiser was scheduled 79 days ago, according to Matt Mackowiak at the Daily Caller … Do the Texas Democrats feel nothing for their own state, or for the Texans who are dealing with the fires and the border insecurity…
The Killer Rabbit Licks His Chops
– “Obama defaults to economic blame game,” Neil Munro writes at the Daily Caller: A cascade of bad economic and political news knocked … But when historians come to select the moment when Obama went over the edge of the world, I think they’ll find the great Iftar … It is the president himself who puts the period at the end of his own sentence.…
A Tribute to the Peerless Iranian Icon, Siamak Pourzand
– My father loved the West but he embodied the ideals of “the Iranian” — a true son of Cyrus the Great. … daily intrigues throughout the country. … But on May 4 a caller tried to intimidate me — having received several calls from the regime’s agents before, I knew the tone and realized…
PalinTracker: Get On The Bus
– First, catch the spirit with The Case of the Missing Hare. … The inside-the-Beltway ruling class — the elite — they’re more oriented toward candidates they can attach the word “serious” to — which … Daily Caller, Amy Siskind offers Top 10 reasons Palin should run for president — compelling!…
Michele Bachmann Schools Keith Ellison, Establishment Media on Muslim Brotherhood…th-ellison-establishment-media-on-muslim-brotherhood-n168331
– Citing specific cases, the letters were sent just one day after Neil Munro at the Daily Caller revealed that the Justice Department … the duplicity with which the U.S. … the group as a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood: Article 2: The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood…
Dick Durbin proves Peter King right
The men include the mosque’s director, Jamal Said, and the mosque’s imam, Kifah Mustapha, according to the IPT report. … As for the problematic witness: A second flub by Durbin’s staff is the selection of the main witness for the Tuesday hearing. … The Daily Caller calls these choices “flubs,” but nearly all liberal Democrats (and a Republican now and then) have been making these…
The Pandora's Box of 2012 Found Hidden Inside Joe Biden's Closet
– Powers has all the details, even pictures of the inside of the closet where he was held; but it appears the Sentinel editors have … is pretty cool with that idea: Kurtz quoted Breitbart telling The Daily Caller that the founder of Color of Change, former Obama … In addition to the obvious disapproval of his statements to the Daily Caller, the reference to a “nicer neighborhood” does seem to…
Meet the New McCarthyism
– “The Huffington Post bans Andrew Breitbart from front page over comments about Van Jones,” Steven Nelson writes at the Daily CallerThe decision was made in reaction to comments made by Breitbart to The Daily Caller. … Read the whole thing.…
Breitbart's ban reveals hypocrisy at the HuffPo
– Mario Ruiz, The Huffington Post’s senior vice president for media relations, released a statement to TheDC on the decision. … “Andrew Brietbart’s [sic] ad hominem attack on Van Jones in The Daily Caller violates the tenets of debate and civil discourse we … have strived for since the day we launched.…
But of Course: NOW Blames the Victim
– As Caroline May writes at the Daily Caller, “NOW defends Palin against Maher attack, but says ‘We are on to you, right-wingers’:” … In the wake of Bill Maher’s tasteless slur against Sarah Palin Friday night, in which he called the former Alaska governor a “twat … ,” the National Organization for Woman (NOW) has not only denounced the use of such sexist words, but also issued a warning to conservatives…
Issa Calls Holder to Account
– command the decision to implement the program went. … in the U.S. … As The Daily Caller reports, a combative Issa fired back: What if it’s accurate, Mr. Attorney General?…
Obama's man on the NLRB supports 'restraining the free flow of capital'…e-nlrb-supports-restraining-the-free-flow-of-capital-n147001
The Daily Caller digs up some of Craig Becker’s law schools writings that, as Jazz Shaw remarks, sounds like it could have come straight … Old law review articles obtained by The Daily Caller that were authored by Becker further inflame the already heated debate. … – implicitly entails legal restraint of the freedom of capital,” he wrote in the January 1987 edition of the Harvard Law Review.…
Recreate '68!
– , the thrush, the scroff, the rot. … And now, in 1968, they were relearning…the laws of hygiene…by getting the mange, the grunge, the itch, the twitch, the thrush, the … In the Daily Caller, Jonathan Strong asks, “Is the EPA to blame for the bed bug ‘epidemic’?” But why are bed bugs back?…
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