Results for: hillary

Boxer Tears Into Fiorina for 'How Selfish She Is as a Human Being'
– So, all of her comments are off base, including saying that Hillary Clinton says ‘vote for me because I’m a woman.'” … “And for her to go after Hillary and claim that Hillary is saying, vote for me because I’m a woman, she can’t even prove that point…
Sanders Camp: Staff Cuts Just Reorganization, Not Ceding to Hillary
Hillary Clinton won four out of five states on Tuesday — only Rhode Island went for Bernie — and has 1,645 pledged delegates to 1,318 … But Hillary is near the finish line thanks to 520 superdelegates, whereas Sanders only has 39 out of the pool that includes lawmakers…
John Boehner Calls Cruz 'Lucifer in the Flesh,' Praises Obama
– joking, yet blunt” attitude, but he reserved no such vitriol for prominent Democrats like Obama, Sanders, and presumptive nominee Hillary … The former House speaker also praised Hillary Clinton, after briefly mocking her sexist campaign.…
How Trump Can Win the Black Vote to Win the Election
Hillary Clinton will certainly have plenty to say, but it will all be the same old disingenuous bilge.…
Priorities: Obama Promises 8-Year-Old He'll Visit Flint
– Once Hillary beats Trump in November she won’t be able to find Flint on a map of just Flint again, of course, but she won’t need to…
Fiorina The Force Multiplier
– election, when the woman potentially a heartbeat away from the presidency in the Cruz administration can make the case against Hillary
Trump's Contradictory, Incoherent 'America First' Foreign Policy…nd-sometimes-incoherent-america-first-foreign-policy-n184920
– Thankfully, we didn’t hear about lyin’ Ted or crooked Hillary. … … This represents an assault against Hillary Clinton as well as the neoconservative establishment in the GOP.…
Only Two Messages Remain in the 2016 Presidential Campaign
Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump all agree that America sucks — albeit for varied reasons. … Government can fix it: Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donny Trump. or… 2) Government sucks. America can fix it: Ted Cruz.…
Cruz/Carly—It's Official
– Sure, it may never happen, but Carly has proven her worth for attacking Hillary.…
Cruz, Clinton Campaigns Go After 'Simplistic,' 'Incoherent' Trump Foreign Policy Speech…ter-simplistic-incoherent-trump-foreign-policy-speech-n43984
– WASHINGTON — The Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz campaigns found common ground today in their disdain for Donald Trump’s foreign policy … “He and Hillary Clinton are two sides of the same coin. … She has made her millions from inside and Donald Trump has made his billions buying people like Hillary Clinton.…
Trump: 'Power of Weaponry' the 'Single Biggest Problem' in the World
– Trump slammed both Obama and Hillary Clinton for not naming “radical Islam” as the enemy in the war on terror and stressed that “containing … Hillary Clinton’s campaign was holding a conference call later in the day with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Sen…
Caitlyn Jenner Said She Used Women's Restroom in Trump Tower
– “If Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he still can’t go the girl’s bathroom.”  …
Reports: Cruz's Big Announcement Is Fiorina VP Pick
– The former HP CEO holds no punches, but attacks with a grace largely foreign to The Donald, and even to Hillary Clinton.…
Chris Christie's Wife Didn't Like Trump's Attack on Hillary
– Donald Trump responded by declaring himself the “presumptive nominee” and attacking Hillary Clinton as a failed candidate. … And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don’t think she’d get 5 percent of the vote. … Indeed, outlets are already describing Trump’s attack as “sexist,” despite the fact Hillary is already running “the most sexist campaign…
Read the Radical Resume of Tom Perez, Possible Hillary VP Pick
– With rumors swirling that likely Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will tap radical Labor Secretary Tom Perez as her … Beating Hillary may be even more important than you think.…
Stephen Colbert Looks Inside Hillary Clinton's Purse...
– On The Late Show, Stephen Colbert takes a look inside Hillary Clinton’s purse to verify if there’s hot sauce in there. … Click over to page 2 to see the original Hillary Clinton hot sauce interview>>>>…
About That 'Unelectability' Argument...
– Now, along comes this poll: Hillary Clinton holds just a 3-point lead over Republican front-runner Donald Trump in a national head…
Sen. Tom Carper Introduces Hillary with the Song 'She Works Hard for the Money...'…es-hillary-with-the-song-she-works-hard-for-the-money-n82814
Hillary Works Hard For The Money When Senator Tom Carper introduced Hillary Clinton at a recent event, we couldn't help but…
Trump Tells Sanders to Run as an Independent
– The Sanders vote would make it difficult for Hillary Clinton to garner enough support to overtake a Republican candidate.…
Lena Dunham Says She'll Move to Canada if Trump Is Elected
– Besides preventing Hillary Clinton from re-arranging the furniture in the Oval Office, another good reason to elect Donald Trump president … The actress, who has been a strong supporter for Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, says unlike other performers who have made…
You Need to Know About Tom Perez: Likely Hillary VP Opposes First Amendment…t-tom-perez-likely-hillary-vp-opposes-first-amendment-n46265
Hillary Clinton is 68, and beset by a persistent cough that she has never adequately explained. … If Hillary goes unindicted (as seems likely, given that the Justice Department has been hiring based solely on left-leaning ideology … As it turned out, the DOJ didn’t need to — due to Hillary Clinton’s advice.…
The Republican Convention Will Not Be Contested
Hillary Clinton isn’t obsessing aloud every chance she gets on how she’s going to defeat John Kasich and she doesn’t give Cruz much … Hillary, at least, doesn’t think Donald’s a liberal, no matter what contributions he may have made to her campaigns or foundation. … If it’s any help, close you eyes and imagine Hillary making her inaugural speech. It works wonders. Roger L.…
Hillary Clinton PAC to Pay $1 Million for People to Troll the Internet...
– Clinton PAC Spends Fortune To ‘Correct' Social Media A pro-Hillary Clinton super-pac is about to spend $1 million to pay people … Posted by The Young Turks on Monday, April 25, 2016 Watch these Bernie Sanders supporters get enraged about a Hillary Clinton PAC … strategy to troll social media sites in favor of Hillary… Is it a Democrat civil war???…
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