Results for: the daily caller

High Drama Amid ObamaCare Threats
– I also unequivocally condemn the actions of the Democratic Party in running roughshod over the clear will of the American people. … Of course, no one likes getting called “a piece of human sh*t” by an anonymous caller, but then you should see some of the comments … the proverbial shoe is on the other foot.…
PJM Political: Bill Clinton Smells The Tea, Gets The Vapors
– Tucker Carlson, formerly of CNN and MSNBC (not to mention Dancing with the Stars), sells the April 15th DC Tea Party on his sprawling … new Daily Caller e-zine. … Tony Blankley of the Washington Times and Terry Jones of Investor’s Business Daily on the uneasy coexistence between the GOP and the
PJM Political 04/24/10: Bill Clinton Smells The Tea, Gets The Vapors
– Or click here to download the lo-fi edition.) … new Daily Caller e-zine. … Tony Blankley of the Washington Times and Terry Jones of Investor’s Business Daily on the uneasy coexistence between the GOP and the
Cliff-Diving into Dependency, and Trolling for Democratic Votes
The Daily Caller carried a story in mid-February entitled “Record numbers receive food stamps as USDA turns blind eye to recipients … Known as “categorical eligibility” (again, per the Daily Caller, supported by the letter from Ms. … The site that supposedly “debunks” the claim admits that the money for the program comes from the Universal Service Fund, and that…
Quotes of the Day
– — Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos, from May of 2007. … Update: “We must face up to the grim fact that the rulers we elect are losing patience with us. … Update: Welcome readers of Jim Treacher from Tucker Carlson’s Daily Caller, plus Red State, Moe Lane, and Cold Fury.…
Welcome to East Germany on the Potomac
– moaning about the leaker of the now infamous JournoList: Every entry on Google Groups, where JournoList resided, ended with the … most intemperate comments (ripped out of context) to FishbowlDC, a media gossip website, and the Dally Caller, a new conservative … Of course not, the liberals would be howling to the rafters about the existential threat to the Republic.…
All the President's Stenographers
– Four questions for the Washington Post from Daily Caller publisher Neil Patel, including: 4) What do all the other so-called objective … All of the other journalists in the know about this fraud just sit tight and let the fraud continue. … The result is that Weigel lost his job. But the bigger loss is The Post’s standing among conservatives.…
'The Self-Immolation of David Weigel'
– Hired by the Washington Post, he had the trappings of prestige and therefore he deserved the admiration of the cool young journalists … As the Daily Caller notes, “Weigel seems to harbor special contempt for a type of conservative he calls a ratfucker, a favorite phrase … posted that item on The Washington Post, the phone started ringing off the hook.…
Is hypo-masculinity the new normal?
Daily Caller/span:/a “In defense of the father”:br /br /blockquoteThere is also a polar-opposite twin to hypermasculinity, brought … on by the absence of male role models: “hypo-masculinity,” the absence of masculinity. … Even the government seems to be in on the hypo-masculinity game.…
'There's that Darn False Narrative Again'
– At the Daily Caller, Jon Ward writes, “Obama approval rating takes dive as he faces anti-business charge.” … Gallup’s daily tracking poll, which averages all polls over the last three days, showed Obama Friday at 44 percent approval and 48 … the sidelines.…
Next on PBS's Mathnet, the Squad Pays a Visit to Math Camp Delta
– Victor Davis Hanson attempts to make sense of the Ministry of Truth-style PC run amok in the Obama administration and asks, “What … The president is setting the tone, and a host of truth departments are his choruses.” … Not the least of which NASA, whose current motto seems to be,  “No Air or Space Anymore,” Myra Adams writes at the Daily Caller.…
Dr. Strangegore, or How the International MSM Learned to Stop Worrying and Abandon Objectivity…msm-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-abandon-objectivity-n252002
– At the Daily Caller, John Rosenthal writes, “A workshop hosted by Germany’s international broadcaster urges journalists to abandon … The topic: “The Heat is On: Climate Change and the Media.” … Like the general heading, the titles of the numerous panels and workshops leave little doubt about the orientation of the proceedings…
You're Face to Face, with the Man Who Sold the World
The Daily Caller notes, “Struggling states seeking more aid from Washington:” Governors hamstrung by the sluggish economic rebound … bound to balance their own budgets are pressing anew for Washington to step up with more help, some say even if it means adding to the … economy shapes dozens of gubernatorial races across the country.…
The Telltale 11th Paragraph
– to the Politico, which like the Post, is another JournoList-tainted publication: The Washington Post hired Weigel from the Washington … But Weigel’s tenure was cut short after FishbowlDC and The Daily Caller published emails he wrote on Journolist, an off-the-record … Within days, he signed on as an MSNBC contributor and filled in for Andrew Sullivan on his popular blog, The Daily Dish.…
'Journey into the Media's Heart of Darkness'
– Obama’s “Unofficial Campaign” staff: How ironic that on a day when we celebrate the 20th anniversary of the enactment of the Americans … with Disabilities Act of 1990, The Daily Caller released 15 pages of JournoListers’ email exchanges about a dark and demented conspiracy … With revelations like the JournoList exchanges, may the light keep shining to expose the problem.…
It's Deja Dan All Over Again
– … The Daily Caller builds stories by cherry-picking from threads about Fox News and Rush Limbaugh — and gets rewarded with pickup … of the overall story, but on the documents that were part of the support of the story,” Rather castigated. … of the supposed author, the late Lt.…
'I Never Knew I Had This Much Hate in Me'
– more trustworthy members and renamed the “Cabalist” — is the extent to which the Internet is the cultural equivalent of the id of … Tucker Carlson, who exposed the e-mails in his Daily Caller, writes that “these are political hacks, and I think they should stop … As I’ve written before, consider the chaos going on within the walls of the Washington Post.…
Building a Bridge to 1912
– But that was before I saw the new piece at the Daily Caller: “I can’t stand it,” [Van Jones, speaking at Comic-Con Netroots Nation … “President Obama volunteered to be the captain of the Titanic after it hit the iceberg.” … to the past.…
Did I Get 'Journolisted'?
– This week, the Daily Caller published transcripts from the Journolist, a listserv comprised of several hundred liberal journalists … According to the Daily Caller: At several points during the 2008 presidential campaign a group of liberal journalists took radical … Also according to the Daily Caller: Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from…
Wow, is Sterling-Cooper on the JournoList, too?!
Daily Caller. … Thus, the J-List discussion revealed yesterday in the Daily Caller was about how the group could get their media organizations … And if you search the WaPo over the past couple of days, there is nothing on the Daily Caller stories, so either management does…
Top Ten Racist Incidents of the Week
– we’d try to ignore in the hopes that it would go away, has instead become a daily occurrence, a standard category in the 24-hour news … As reported at HotAir, the Daily Caller got ahold of the Journolist archives and discovered leading liberal pundits and mainstream … BREITBART: The reason why Shirley Sherrod is the story right now, not the NAACP, is because the White House which stands by the firing…
Your Daily Caller JournoList Document Drop Du Jour
– An op-ed that appeared Wednesday at Investor’s Business Daily dubs the JournoList “The Smoking Gun For Media Bias:” The point is … And that was written before this morning’s JournoList document drop du jour from Jonathan Strong of the Daily Caller, who writes, “ … Back in the 1920s, the iconoclastic H.L.…
The Politics of the Night
– Thus, the J-List discussion revealed yesterday in the Daily Caller was about how the group could get their media organizations to play … executives should fire the editors, or the board should fire the executives, or the stockholders should fire the board. … … I say that the place of the skeleton of the Opera ghost is in the archives of the National Academy of Music.…
All the President's Listservs
– But back then, the Washington Post circled the wagons to ferret out the corruption and excesses of “All the President’s Men.” … In June, the paper quickly accepted the resignation of David Weigel, whom it hired from the left-wing publication The Washington … ; I have asked a couple, and they haven’t yet responded.Now, courtesy of the Daily Caller, we’ve had a peek inside the discussions…
Naming Names on the JournoList
– weary of the left needing to apply the word “smart” to themselves all the time. … As Kathy Shaidle adds: This morning, the Daily Caller rolled out additional damning details from the archives of Journolist, the … On the other hand, it’s awfully hard to take seriously the indignation of the participants and their friends that the contents of…
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