Results for: hillary

Biden Also Gave 'Biden Rule' Speech in 2005; Reid, Podesta Were All For It…biden-rule-speech-in-2005-reid-podesta-were-all-for-it-n5768
– That’s what is written in the Constitution … Similarly, Hillary Clinton issued a statement asserting that the Senate has a “serious … Podesta is now Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman.…
Hillary vs. Jihad: A Nightmare Scenario
– It’s a nightmare that could all too easily come true: the Republican Party denies Donald Trump the nomination, he bolts, and HillaryHillary made that clear Tuesday morning in her response to the latest jihad terror attacks in Brussels, in which at least 28 people … In November 2015, Hillary tweeted: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary.…
James Comey and Loretta Lynch Hold the Whole Country in Their Hands
– Neither of these misdeeds, bad as they were, even remotely approach the magnitude of crimes for which Hillary Clinton is said by many … Most of all, anyone who cares about this country — and that should mean Republicans and Democrats — should not want a guilty Hillary … Imagine it’s January 2017 and Hillary Clinton is being inaugurated as president with something close to half the public believing she…
Hillary: Would Be 'Christmas in the Kremlin' if Trump Pulled U.S. Out of NATO…istmas-in-the-kremlin-if-trump-pulled-u-s-out-of-nato-n43897
Hillary Clinton accused GOP presidential candidates of “dangerous” rhetoric in the wake of the Brussels terrorist attacks. … Trump, who spent most of the day going after Cruz, tweeted in response: “Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror…
Koch-Backed Group Busts Obamacare Affordability Myths
– although Trump has supported single-payer healthcare in the past, and some say he would replace Obamacare with…Obamacare), while Hillary
Jeb Bush Endorses Ted Cruz on Facebook
– Donald Trump has brought into the political arena or we will certainly lose our chance to defeat the Democratic nominee, most likely Hillary … today is further evidence that Republicans are continuing to unite behind our campaign to nominate a proven conservative to defeat Hillary
Liveblogging the Utah and Arizona Primaries
– BREAKING: Hillary Clinton win Democratic primary in Arizona. @AP race call at 11:19 p.m. EDT. … Kasich video claims that he is the best candidate to defeat Hillary. But can he stop Trump? … Meanwhile, a #ManInTree in Seattle, Washington is drawing more attention than Hillary Clinton’s speech there.…
AIPAC Leaders Slam Trump's 'Ad Hominem Attacks' on Obama
– He later called former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who addressed the conference Monday morning, “a total disaster,” adding…
Hillary: 'Easy Accessibility to Powerful Explosives' Hampers Terror Fight…ssibility-to-powerful-explosives-hampers-terror-fight-n43890
– Democratic presidential candidate and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it “unrealistic to say we’re going to completely…
Time for the FBI to Charge Hillary
– Everybody knows that if anyone other than Hillary Clinton was this obviously guilty, he or she would have been put away long ago. … Norte, the powerful can skate: FBI chief James Comey and his investigators are increasingly certain that presidential nominee Hillary
The GOP's Fate Could Be Decided by a Handful of Unbound Delegates
– At least with Trump at the top of the ticket, there’s always a chance that Hillary Clinton’s campaign could collapse and hand Republicans…
At AIPAC, Hillary Slams Trump for Neutral Negotiation Plan with Israel…slams-trump-for-neutral-negotiation-plan-with-israel-n102996
– WASHINGTON — Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton took a couple of digs at Donald Trump at the American Israel Public Affairs…
Between a Louse and a Flea
– And speaking of unlikely things, it is not at all clear to me that Hillary will be the nominee, either. … They survey the field and they see only Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Both are bad. But which is worse? … I think it’s pretty much the same regarding Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.…
Sanders: Superdelegates Are 'Problematic'
Hillary Clinton leads Sanders with 1614 delegates to his 856.  … All those  party hacks, VIPs, politicians and establishment cronies are really pushing Hillary into the lead.  … that I am the stronger candidate against Trump, I think you’re doing to see some superdelegates saying, ‘You know what, I like Hillary
Bernie Wins Wyoming, Says Superdelegate Tally Growing
– Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) added to his winning streak against Hillary Clinton — eight of the last nine contests now — with a win in the … Hillary supporters tweeted that it was actually a loss for Bernie as he didn’t win by a large enough margin to avoid splitting the … The campaign released a list of superdelegates — the area in which Hillary holds the nomination-busting advantage — vowing to vote…
Poll Position: Battle for the Big Apple!
– Hometown boy Donald Trump is bashing Ted Cruz over his “New York values” slam in the Empire State, while Bernie and Hillary fight over…
Will Guccifer Upend Hillary?
– Guccifer, it will be recalled, is the one who revealed the presence of Hillary Clinton’s private server through his hacking of Sidney … The extradition of Lehel may be tied in closely to the unraveling of the Hillary email conundrum. … Marco Rubio was right when he kept saying Hillary is disqualified as president. Guccifer disqualified her.…
Benghazi Committee Gets Files of Hillary's Staff After 'Deplorable' Delay…gets-files-of-hillarys-staff-after-deplorable-delay-n103187
– committee in March and August of last year for the files that include computer folders of senior staff in then-Secretary of State Hillary
Hillary Blasts Reporters with 'Static Noise' Outside Denver Fundraiser
Hillary Clinton likes to tell the public that she is the most transparent candidate in U.S. history.  … Reporters stationed across the street from the outdoor event were treated to “static noise” as soon as Hillary started talking.…
Four Reasons Republicans Should Rejoice at Cruz Beating Trump
– been entertaining and intriguing at first, his surging 60% disapproval numbers suggest America has grown more weary of him than Hillary
The Worst Candidate
– you take into account the DNC belief that some people are more equal than others, Hillary’s delegate lead grows to 690: 1,748 for Hillary … That means that more than one out of every four delegates for Hillary comes not from rank-and-file voters, but from superdelegates. … As bad as Hillary is at this stuff, in head-to-head match-ups she still outpolls Cruz by single digits, and Trump by whopping double…
Bernie Sanders to Visit Pope Francis, Days Before New York Primary
– At first, this seems insane, since New York is Hillary Clinton’s “home state” and Sanders is trying to make a strong play there.…
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